Never mix business and pleasure

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You had met Tom Holland at work mainly because he was your boss and you were his assistant and had been for the past 2 years. But one late night you and Tom were working late attempting to get all the paper work done and the bottle of wine to help made sure that you and Tom ended up getting heated.

Ever since that night you and Tom had been dating and he was the most amazing man, very protective but still he cared for you. You were sat in Toms office one day just waiting for him to come into work as you had left early this morning.

"Morning" you smile to Tom as he walks into the office you hand him a coffee before kissing his cheek.

"Why weren't you there this morning?" Tom ask getting really annoyed at you, you were taken a back by his anger.

"Why are you annoyed?"

"Because I woke up and my girlfriend wasn't next to me I needed you" he says sitting down in a huge huff in his chair behind his desk.

"Are you actually mad?"

"Yes Y/n I am" he says taking a sip of his drink "Just go and do work please" he huffs you just scoff and walk out of his office and into your own.

It was the end of the day and you were still yet to speak to Tom but you had to go home so you walked back into his office where he is sat on the phone talking about some meeting so you just sit on the chair opposite him.

"Thank you, goodbye" he says hanging the phone up and then looking at you "How can I help?"

"It's time to go home" You giggle awkwardly

"Oh right go home then"

"So you're not coming with me?" You ask looking really confused

"I'm going to work late I'll be home later"

You don't even say another word you just get up with a scoff and walk out down to your car before driving home. Your shared house with Tom was huge and beautiful it was one of your biggest achievements was this house no matter how much Tom told you not to all your savings went into half this house and Tom paid the other half.

You walked into the kitchen taking a seat on the island in the middle of the kitchen, you turn the TV on and just watch whatever was on at the time.

The stress of Tom being mad at your for no reason was getting to you and when stressed you did the one thing Tom hated more than anything you reached into your handbag and grabbed your baccy and papers out before rolling yourself a cigarette and heading outside to smoke it.

"What the fuck?" You hear as soon as you take your first drag of the cigarette, you sigh turning around to see Tom in his suit crossed arms with pure anger on his face.

"Oh for god sake" you sigh "Tom I'm very stressed okay? Just let me smoke will you"

"Stressed about what? You don't do anything"

"Are you being serious!" You shout standing up and looking at him still holding the rollie between your fingers. "I work harder than anyone there!"

"Bullshit, you can't even remember to answer the emails and plan meetings and that's your only real job!"

"Maybe because I also have taken over payroll, stocktake and bringing your fucking coffee every morning, perhaps if you actually employed other people to do the jobs I'm not meant to maybe I can do my job description"

"Oh my god don't even start you wanted to do all of that!"

"No I never Tom! I said I could cover it while you looked for someone else and hey it's Been 4 months and you still don't have anyone"

"I have been a bit busy you know keeping this house up and running, paying for the shopping and all the bills" you scoff taking a huge drag of your cigarette before putting it out and storming past Tom.

Tom had never spoken to you like this before and it wasn't nice, you were shocked at what he said no matter how many times you tried to pay bills and buy food Tom went mad saying how he was the one to look after you.

You stormed into the bedroom and slammed the door behind you before opening the wardrobe and grabbing a bag and shoving a load of clothes into the bag. Before you can finish Tom comes storming into the room

"What the fuck are you doing?"

"Going to my parents" you mumble adding more stuff to the bag

"No you're not! You're not leaving"

"Yes I am" Tom walks over and grabs your hand swinging you round to look at him

"No you're not! You can't leave me"

"I'm not leaving Tom I need a break!"

"Break from us? Why?" You sigh sitting on the bed

"Because Tom we're together all the time and it's damaging our relationship we need a break if we want this to work"

"So what are you saying? You don't want to see me as much?"

"Of course I do but spending every second of the day together means we're always under pressure and we don't get any time for us so either I leave here or I get a new job"

You never thought working with someone would cause such a problem in the relationship but it was even though you loved your job it just was causing more problems than it solved at the moment.

"New job?"

"Well yeah"

"I don't want you working with anyone else but me plus what happens when we start a family? What if they don't let you have time off"

"Start a family? Since when?"

"Come on I've always wanted a family so who better with than you?" You where so happy right now you wanted a baby with Tom more than anything and now he wanted one too.

"You want a baby? When Tom?"

"I would have one with you now but you're the one carrying them so you choose when we have kids if you want to find a new career then you do that just do what you want because I don't want to loose you under any circumstances" he says walking closer to you holding your body close to his.

"Tom I could have a baby right now" You smile

"Then lets have a baby" he giggle picking you up as you wrap your legs around him kissing his lips softly.

**2 Weeks later**
"So you're really okay with quitting?" Tom asks

"Yes Tom I really am, Plus if we have a baby I'll want to stay at home"

"Okay only if you're sure" he smiles holding your hip pulling your body close to his.

"100%" You smile handing him your notice of leave, as the boss it didn't take much for you to leave the job.

You gave Tom one last kiss before he went into his office to file the leave, you just went into your office to pack up all your stuff. When your best friend at the office James comes walking in he was gay and just the best best friend ever.

"Where you going girl?"

"I'm leaving" you say with a pouting face

"WHAT! Why? Did you and Tom break up?"

"No no no, it's not good for our relationship to be together all the time plus we're trying for a baby and well I don't want to be working when I have one"

"Oh I'm going to miss you loads"

"I'll still come see you still" you giggle hugging him tightly

"You better" he says.

Once you've packed your office up you head into Tom's office with a smile on your face before hugging him tightly.

"I love you so much"

"I love you too" you smile kissing him softly.

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