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You had met Tom on set for the civil war you were Robert Downey Jr's god daughter so you were on set a lot you loved watching how the movies are made and seeing everyone film them. Of course all the boys were under strict instructions to stay away from you and not make a move or Robert will "kill them" Robert was very very protective over you because your father had recently died so he felt he needed to be there for you like your dad was. One day you were on set just wondering around the trailers looking for Robert when you bump into someone

"Shit sorry" the man says, you look up and see a cute young boy who must be no older than you.

"Nah it's fine don't worry" you smile

"So what are you doing here"

"I'm here with my god father" you laugh

"Oh cool, So how long are you around then?" He started leaning on the side of someone's trailer

"A few days I guess" you laugh at his way of flirting it was cute and he was as well

"Oh cool do you Maybe wanna go for a drink or..." he got cut off by Robert

"Y/N I've been looking for you" Robert says running over to you and placing his hand on your shoulder "I see you've met my god daughter Tom" he smiles tightening his grip

"Oh your god daughter" he says all of a sudden becoming very shy and holding back a lot more with his flirting

"Yes my god daughter, who isn't good enough for any man on this planet so don't even think about it son" he says in threatening way you give him a look of sympathy you did feel bad for anyone that Robert spoke to because he could be very very scary. "Why don't you go back to my trailer and I'll be there soon" Robert says to you and you knew there wasn't a point in arguing with him so you sigh and leave but before you do you turn back around

"Bye Thomas" you smirk waving flirtatiously before turning back around again and walking to Roberts trailer.

It was later into the day and sat in the trailer while Robert filmed you were told not to leave and he'd take you out later on in the day. It was safe to say you were bored as well when the door goes you assume it's a stylist or something so you stand up and answer it seeing Tom standing there smiling.

"Hey, I know I shouldn't be here because I was threatened but you're so beautiful I can't stay away" he smiles

"Come in before he catches you" you pull him into the trailer

"Also it's Tom not Thomas" he smiles with a cheeky look on his face

"I prefer Thomas" you say sitting down on the couch your arms crossing and staying on your chest

"You're feisty aren't you" he sits down next to you

"I guess" you giggle, you had always loved being in control when first meeting boys you found it funny when they were intimidated by you and if they could handle you that's when you knew they were different. "So why are you on set then Thomas"

"I'm Spider-Man" he laughs

"Shut up I've had a crush on Spider-Man for like ever"

"Does that mean we could get a drink?" He giggles, you tilt your head to the side

"I don't know I mean, you could die"

"Worth the risk" he gets closer to you but you move back even though you wanted to be close to him you loved playing hard to get.

*3 Months later*
You had been seeing Tom for a few months now and it was different and felt good and like he cared and loved you he would always make you feel special but Robert didn't know...he would kill Tom and you cared too much about him to let that happen. One day you and Tom were at your place, your mum knew and promised not to tell Robert because she liked Tom so much, you were just in your room doing your make up as Tom was sat on the bed annoying you and keeps filming you and threatening to post it even though you know he wouldn't.

"Y/N dear, Robert is here" you turn your head very fast looking at Tom with your eyes wide

"Fuck Tom stay here and if you hear us coming up hide in the closet" you say rushing out of the room shutting the door behind you as you walk downstairs to see Robert smiling

"Hello dear" he hugs you and kisses your head

"Hey, What are you doing here?"

"Well I'm here to see my god daughter why else" he smiles moving your hair out of your face. "You never wear make up where are you off too" the truth was you and Tom were heading out on a date only somewhere low key

"Oh Just out with some girl friends you know Just a little gathering"

"Any boys there?" He asks

"Oh god no" you lie, you were only with a boy and it was the only boy Robert would actually kill

"What about Tom?" Your stomach drops out of your arse and your heart into the empty space that used to hold your stomach.

"What?" You and your mum say in sync

"Tom Holland, I know you've been dating Y/N I'm not an idiot you've been seen leaving his apartment and him here and also his shoes are there" He points at the shoes on the floor "did you really feel you needed to hide it?"

"Yes" you laugh

"Well go get him and I promise I won't kill him or anything" he tells you and you know when he's lying this isn't one of them times he was 100% telling the truth. You head back upstairs getting Tom and explaining everything to him and walking down stairs hand in hand you walk back into the kitchen seeing Robert sat down

"Hello" tom says very awkwardly

"Listen you can date her but Thomas you hurt her and I will kill you I promise you that" he smirks holding his hand out for Tom to shake and he does so

"I would never and could never" he smiles holding onto your waist

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