Baby Time!

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9 months pregnant you were about to pop not only were you about to go into labour you were so big it was unreal everyone thought you were having twins but really it was one little baby you and Tom didn't want to know the gender until they were born but as you got further into the pregnancy you wanted to know what you were having more and more. You were sat on the couch with Tom your legs on his thighs as he rubs your feet as they were very swollen as you are just chilling you get sharp pains in your lower abdomen

"Fuck ow" you say

"You okay babe" he asks sitting up again

"Yeah just sharp pains I'm sure it's nothing don't wo...." they hit again "okay I think I'm going into labour" you say moving your legs round and hanging them off the couch you then stand up and your water breaks

"Shit Y/N!" He says

"Get the bag we need to go!!" You say panicked he gets the bag and then takes your arm and helps you to the car. As you are sat next to him controlling your breathing while holding onto your bump while Tom drives you to the hospital as you get there you start to panic

"Tom I can't have the baby I'm scared can we just go home" you say he holds your hand

"Come on you can do this" he says holding both your hands and looking at you. He then walks out the car and opens your door then gives you his hand to take you take a deep breath and take his hand. Then you make your way inside about half an hour later your in your room and in a robe you are just laid in the bed with Tom sat in the chair next to your bed,

"Tom I am so scared"

"But I know you'll be okay" he smiles rubbing your hand

"Sorry Tom I don't think you understand that I actually have to push a human being out of me I don't see you having to do this" you snap, the mood swings were very bad since you had gotten closer to your due date and since you were over they had just gotten worse but when you snap you always feel bad "Sorry" you say

"Babe your're about to be a mum and I'm about to be a dad and that scares me but at least I don't have to do what you have to so I am going to be here with you the whole way through" he smiles kissing your forehead, he was so amazing and you felt so bad about being so snappy with him but you couldn't help it.

"I just feel so bad about everything I don't mean to snap at you I can't help it"

"I know I know" he smiles, another contraction hits they were definitely becoming more frequent.

"Ow ow" you say holding the sides of your bump the contractions where so bad and you were in so much pain. Your midwife comes in the room and smiles

"Contraction?" She asks you just nod while squeezing toms hand "let me check and see how far along you are" you hated this part of it just hated having so many people look at your privates so you open your legs and she feels around.

"Good news?" You ask

"6cm, not the best but not the worst" she smiles "I'll give you 3 more hours about" you just sigh you couldn't deal with this pain for 3 more hours. She smiles and leaves

"Tom I can't do this for 3 more hours I need the baby now" you moan

"Baby I know you want to but the baby isn't ready yet I know it's frustrating but we can't do anything about it" he says cupping your cheeks, you decided to just go on your phones "should we do a secret announcement" he winks

"Secret announcement? How does that work" you laugh

"Like this" he smiles taking a picture of his feet then he shows you it was his feet and the floor with the caption 'finally😆'

"Okay post it" you smirk. It wasn't even up for 10 minutes before people took screenshots and posting them with the theories of what he means. You found the fans so cute they were caring about you and Tom they shipped you both so much. It was getting later and later and now you felt like you needed to push

"Tom I need to push" you moan, it was the most painful experience ever you had never felt pain like this. As you are saying about it your midwife walks in "I need to push"

"Right let me just check" she checks once again and then just smiles at you "Someones about to be a mum and dad" your head darts to Toms

"We're having our baby" you smiles squeezing his hands. He just kisses your head once all the doctors have set up ready to deliver your baby.

"Okay Y/N, when you have your contraction please just push once I get to 3" your midwife smiles you just hold Toms hand and get ready to start pushing. A contraction hits

"I have one" you breath through the pain

"1-2-3 push" you push as much as you can and it was the weirdest most painful feeling. You then take heavy breaths while holding Toms hand

"You're doing so well" he smiles rubbing your hair, sweat dripping down your face then another contraction hits so you push again this time you feel the head come out

"We have a head, the shoulders are the hardest so a big push please" your midwife smiles on your next contraction you push hard and you feel the baby come out. "We have a baby girl!" The nurse shouts, Tom looks at you as you start to cry then he kisses your forehead, the baby is passed onto your chest you look down at the baby and she was gorgeous in every way you look up at Tom and he has tears in his eyes.

"She's gorgeous" he says wiping his eyes

"She's our baby" you don't feel like you should look away from her,

"Would you like me to take a picture" your midwife smiles Tom hands her his phone and she snaps a picture of you three. When you get the picture back it was beautiful and you loved it.

"Post it?" He asks, you just nod he then post it on Instagram with the caption 'Finally😆' just to confirm that his Instagram story was about you. This was your little family and they were perfect. In the next few hours you post a picture on Instagram

@Y/I/N: Coral-May Holland born at 3:34am on the 12th of September. Thank you to my amazing Boyfriend @Tomholland2013 I love my new little family 👶🏻❤️

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