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You were an interviewer for MTV movies and you loved your job so much it was so interesting to meet so many amazing actors who lead such amazing lives. Today you had been assigned to interview Tom Holland for his role in Spider-Man Homecoming. You had always thought he was super cute and seemed like a proper funny guy you were interviewing him in America but you were English and you hoped he would notice. It was your time to go into the room and you were a bit nervous you're normally not but this time you where mainly because you did have a crush on him. You walk in and he stands up to greet you

"Hey lovely to meet you love" he smiles shaking your hand and kissing either cheek.

"Hello dear" you smile taking your seat opposite him.

"Oh you're English?!" He says with shock in his voice

"I am indeed" you laugh

"Where abouts"

"Twickenham" you smile he raises his eyebrows

"That is about 15 from where I live"

"That is so cool, surprise I haven't seen you around then"

"Oh I think I'd remember" he winks, you just laugh along with him. "Sorry maybe you should do your job and I should stop being stupid"

"Well actually my first question was what was it like when you found out that you were Spider-Man?"

"Well I never actually got a call or anything they posted it on Instagram so I found out when everyone else did" he laughs "I remember freaking out and my poor dog Tessa"

"Awh what type of dog?"

"Erm shes a blue staffie"

"Oh my god, I have a staffie called blue"

"They're Just the best dogs aren't they" he was so flirting with you but you didn't really mind

"They're absolutely gorgeous dogs, so who do you miss the most when away?"

"I mean I could sit here and lie saying, oh I miss my mum so much because I do but it's got to be Tessa I mean she is so important to me and leaving her is so hard"

"I know how you feel I'm away a lot as well and leaving my dog is so hard"

"Coming back to them is so precious"

You and Tom bounced off each other for a very long time and the interview did over run it continued with all the flirting and winks and this just made you fancy him even more but you had to be professional so you couldn't make a move also you were scared.

"Okay thank you Tom means a lot" you say as you finish the interview then you hug him good bye and leave the room. Once your out you just go to pack all your stuff and leave.

It was a few weeks later and you were back home walking your dog as you had missed him greatly you had walked very far and where on a small pathway walking home when you aren't looking up and bump into someone

"Oh sorry" as you look up you see Tom.

"Y/N" he smiles, you were shocked he knew your name

"Funny seeing you here" you joked

"Yeah I'm just walking home from my mums I'm not gunna lie I kinda hoped I would see you again" he says scratching the back of his head

"Well I'm happy you did?"

"Are you busy like now?" He asks awkwardly

"I was on my way home"

"Can I walk with?"

"Of course" you smile Tom puts his hand in his pockets as you walk down the path "have you been up to much?"

"Not really I mean I have to do China soon so that will be fun but other than that not much"

"Wow the Tom Holland isn't doing anything"

"Oh shut up" he laughs at you

"Sorry I couldn't help it" you giggle along with him. It wasn't long before you were home "this is me" you smile

"Well it was nice seeing you again" he says

"If your not busy I can put the dog in and we could like go get a coffee or something" You ask and you couldn't believe you were asking

"Well at least you had the balls to ask" he laugh "Yes I would love too"

"Good" you smile

You and Tom really had hit it off and You had been spending every day together for the past two weeks but it was time for him to go to China for a month and you would miss him. Over the past few weeks you had been hangout at his apartment getting take away, making out and well doing other stuff as well but you weren't official he hadn't asked and well you asked for the 1st date you didn't want to ask what you were as well. Tom was leaving tomorrow so he wanted you to spend the last night with him you were laid in bed on your phone when Tom walks in with take out you sit up putting your phone down

"Oh my god you're an angel" you smile, he comes over to the bed and you both dig in just messing around while eating and when your done and you Ton end up making out and having some fun and falling asleep in eachothers arms. You wake up and see Tom is packing "Do you have to go" you sigh leaning your head on the pillow while looking at him

"I really wish I didn't" He says coming over mad leaning his chin on the mattress then he pecks your lips. "Can I ask you something"


"What are we?"

"I don't know, I mean we are definitely more than friends"

"Boyfriend? Girlfriend?" He asks and you just smile

"Would you want to be"

"I mean I think we should consider I'm falling in love with you" you where shocked you just cover your mouth "should I not have said that"

"Well now you really can't go" you say grabbing him and kissing him

"Then come with me" He says pulling away?

"To China?"

"Come on please you can prep me for interviews and meet Harrison and Just have fun with me please"

"It's a bit late notice Tom"

"Please any wages you loose I will pay it back just please" He says holding your hand

"You're one crazy mother fucker" you giggle

"Is that a yes"

"Yes" you giggle kissing him

"WOOO YESS" He cheers.

"You're fucking mental"

Tom Holland Imagines Where stories live. Discover now