You're a stripper (3)

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Even though you had walked out due to Tom's comments about you getting a real job it really did hurt you and made you realise that perhaps you wouldn't find love if you stayed in the business you were in. It felt too late to go back to Tom you didn't want to say he was right even though he was completely right he just shouldn't have said them things to you.

You had got a job as a waitress and fully given up stripping and now just do waitressing and yes it wasn't as good pay but it was decent. It was a small little restaurant in Kingston and you did like the job it was fun and you had made a few friends.

It was in the evening about 5ish when the worst possible moment of your life happened in walks Tom and his entire family you were stood by the door to the kitchen and you just freeze.

"Y/n you're on that table that just came in" the head waitress who didn't exactly like you tells you

"I can't please you don't understand that's my ex boyfriend and his family"

"Uh as if" she scoffs before walking off to serves the next table.

You take a deep breath before walking over to the table ready to nearly die of embarrassment

"Hey could I get you any drinks?" You ask trying to not look up

"Y/n!" Nikki smiles as you look up smiling and acting surprised

"Oh hi guys!" You fake smile trying your best not to look at Tom but you give in and see he's not even looking at you just the floor.

"What happened to the office job?" Nikki asks

"It wasn't for me seeing the same people day in day out I just didn't like it"

"That's fair" Dom smiles, it was clear things where getting awkward

"So drinks then?"

"Yes I'll have a coke" Dom smiles

"Same for me" Nikki adds

"Sprite" Paddy smiles as you write it down on your pad

"Beer please" Sam follows with his order

"Same as sam" Harry smirks there was a silence as we waited for Tom

"Tom?" You ask cocking your eyebrow as he finally looks up to you he had bags under his eyes looking as if he hadn't slept in weeks

"Water" He says his voice croaky you just nod before walking off and getting all the drinks.

You had nearly finished serving the Holland family and you were just about to hand them the bill so you were at the clearing station printing the receipt you see a note slide onto your station then you look up to see Tom walking away and towards the back.


It reads so you do you follow Tom out the back of the restaurant and you both stood on the street looking at one another

"I cannot express how sorry I am for everything I said that night"

"You were right, I wasn't going to find love in what I was doing so I should just quit I got this job and I'm definitely poorer but at least I'm not a slut"

"You were never a slut Y/n never" he sighs taking your hand but you just snatch it back

"Please don't touch me" you cry as a tear falls down your cheek

"Y/n, please"

"No Tom you don't understand how much you hurt me you killed me" you cry even more

"I know I'm sorry please Y/n I can't loose you I'm broken absolutely broken from everything every night when I close my eyes I remember that conversation and it hurts me that I made you feel like a slut when you're just a beautiful women who tried to find her way in the world but I love you so much Y/n more than I can even comprehend" A tear rolls down his cheek breathing out slowly "please" he begs

"You hurt me Tom, killed me in fact you lowered my self esteem so much it felt like a kick to the face"

"I know but I was mad and Just the idea of other men touching you made me sick and I know it was just a job but men would want to fuck You and get that idea In there sick minds and later they'd probably get off to you and I just couldn't deal with it"

"It's the same with you Tom! Fans always have the idea of fucking you! Do you think it's easy for me? It's not!"

"Do you love me?" You were taken back from his comment


"Answer it"

"Of course I love you" You sigh looking at him

"Then lets try, please let us try again because I can't do this anymore I can't be without you"

"One more chance Tom" his eyes light up as those words leave your lips

"Thank you" he sighs as his hand moves to your cheek before leaning in to kiss him.

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