How I met my ex

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This is a clip from a song by Dave called how I met my ex the full version is on Spotify but this is just a clip.

The POV will change a lot in this imagine so try and keep up xx

Tom's POV:
I sit in my apartment looking through my Instagram at the pictures that I had been tagged in there where some serious amazing fans that made some really cool edits when I come across a pictures of me from the premiere earlier on and it was unlike any picture I had already seen from tonight it looked taken from a fan or something. I decided to look for the person that did it after all this was a fan accounts repost and after about half an hour of searching I reach this girls Instagram and it was filled with loads of photography pictures when I manage to find her actual profile and she is beautiful. I spend the next few hours looking through her profile I decided to follow her and like a few pictures and I wanted to message her but I was terrified to and I don't even know why.

"Hey mate" Harrison smiles sitting on the sofa with me "What are you doing?" He giggles looking over at my phone

"Just looking at this girl who took some pictures of me tonight I mean she is...beautiful"

"Let me see" I turn my phone to Harrison showing him Y/N and his face curves into a huge smile "woah she is hot" he giggles

Readers POV:
You had just gotten home from a travel from London and you just wanted to go to bed so you put your bag down in your hallway before making your way down the little hall into your bedroom where you lay out on your bed grabbing your phone out of your pocket heading over to Instagram when you see something you never thought you would.

Tomholland2013 followed you

Your heart sank as you see that he also liked all your pictures and you didn't really know what to do but something inside of you told you to message him on Instagram;

"Hey thank you for following me I thought I had to say that you're an amazing actor x"

You smile after sending the message waiting for a reply but you weren't holding up for one because he was Tom freaking Holland.

Tom's POV:
My phone pings and I didn't really want to look but I leave it for a few minutes as I listen to Harrison's story when he was away in Austria but after the story I reach over to my phone and see it was Y/N

"Holy shit that girl messaged me!" I tell Harrison he sits up straight looking at me eyes wide open

"Well What did she say?" Harrison asks I open my phone and look at the message

"Hey thank you for following me I thought I had to say you're an amazing actor x" Oh my god I can't believe she messaged me first I feel something I had never felt before it was quite weird and I didn't know how to explain it. I felt like I needed to reply quick but I needed to make sure what I said was okay I didn't want to mess this up. "What do I say?" I ask Harrison so unsure but not wanting to leave her waiting a long time.

"Say something about her photography" I nod at his idea it was amazing and perfect in every way.

"Hey, It's fine I mean your photography is amazing and you're pretty beautiful as well x"

Readers POV:
I can't believe I'm actually taking to Tom Holland for one and also he called me beautiful I'm dying right now and I'm not even sure if this is Reality or if I'm dreaming everything.

"Thank you so much, I mean you're not exactly bad looking so that means a lot x"

Tom's POV:
Me and Y/n had been talking for a few weeks now but I still hadn't met her but we spoke all day everyday about life, she lives just outside of Kingston but works a few minutes away from my apartment and I guess I'm scared to meet her she is different to everyone else in the world she just understands me.

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