Incapable of loving you (2)

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You woke in the morning in your bed alone and you hadn't woken this way in years either you would be cuddled up to Tom or if Tom was away filming something the kids would stay in the bed with you.

Waking up alone was horrible and it just reminded you that Tom was really gone you had kicked him out because of a kiss and yes he was cheating on you but he was the man you had been with for 10 years and you didn't want to throw this all away.

You jump up and get changed into a jumper and leggings as quickly as you can. Then you run to get your keys before rushing to the car and driving to the one place you knew he would go to...Harrison's. You arrive at Harrison's place and jump out and run over to his door knock on it quickly.

"Woah calm down" Harrion sighs opening the door at you

"Harrison I need to see Tom"

"Y/n what are you on about? He's not here I thought he was with you" he sighs looking at you very confused so you just break down crying "Hey Hey Come here let's go inside what's wrong?" He says pulling you in for hug before taking you inside

"We had a fight" you cry "I saw him kissing another woman and I kicked off and told him to get out and now I think we're over and I can't tell the kids we're not going to be together I just can't" you cry out loudly as Harrison hugs you

"He kissed someone else?"

"Yeah I think he was seeing her I don't know why though I mean I've given him everything I gave him his kids and I've loved him for 10 years and now he's cheated on me" you cry you didn't know why you were upset and were all these tears where coming from.

"Right Y/n you need to listen to me, it was just the other day I was talking to him about you and his words were 'I can't be without her Harrison I just love her so much' so don't be silly" he sighs rubbing your back "Where are the kids?"

"With Nikki and Dom"

"Then that's where Tom is, he needs his kids as much as you do especially when he's sad"

"You're right I'm sorry for coming here"

"Don't apologises, now go get your husband back" he laughs as you hug him tightly

"Thank you Harrison"

You begin to make your way to Nikki and Doms house and you were so worried Tom would tell you to fuck off after the way you reacted last night. As you pull up on their drive way the nerves kick in so you climb out your car and headed to knock on the door

"Y/n hey hunny" Nikki smiles opening the door

"Hey is Tom here?"

"He's upstairs with Jamie and Daniel" she smiles letting you into the house, you take your shoes off and just before you head up stairs Nikki stops you "Y/n can we have a talk quick"

"Of course" you smile as she leads you to the living room you take a seat on the couch with her

"Tom didn't exactly tell me what happened but he was crying and saying how it was all his fault the marriage was over now so what happened love?" You take a deep breath before answering

"I saw him kissing someone else so we fought and I told him to get out but the marriage is not over it's far from over but we need to talk about it"

"Oh I'm so sorry for him" she sighs hugging you "Well go see him so just send the kids down" she smiles as you stand up and make your way upstairs and into the bedroom where Jamie and Danny stayed when they slept over as you walk in you see Tom playing with both kids.

You stand in the door way for a few seconds as you watched him hold Jamie-lee over his head as she giggles and Daniel sat on Tom's legs. This was the family you loved having around you all you needed was to work on yours and Tom's relationship.

"MUMMY!!" Danny jumps up and runs over to you grabbing your legs as you bend down to pick him up but as you stand up straight again holding Danny on your hip you look at Tom who was holding Jamie-Lee his face lights up with a smile.

"You're here" he breaths out as he stands holding Jamie-Lee

"We need to talk" you smile "Danny, Jamie-Lee go see Nanny please" you put down Danny and Tom puts Jamie down and they walk out of the room.

"I can't believe you actually came" He smiles to you

"I had too Tom I love you"

"You do?"

"10 years we have been together Tom so of course I love you"

You and Tom make your way over to the bed sitting down he looked sorrowful he looked absolutely distraught and like he hadn't slept last night.

"Tom, I need you to tell me one thing"

"What? Anything?"

"Why did you do it? Why did you cheat on me?" You ask looking at him as a tear rolled down your cheek from all the emotions you had been holding back since the second you saw him

"I was alone and scared you didn't love me anymore so I thought if I moved on before we ended I wouldn't be as hurt but seeing you every time I came home killed me but I promise you I never slept with her Y/n we only kissed and fooled around I know that's not an excuse"

"Tom why didn't you talk to me? Why the hell didn't we just sit down to have this conversation because don't you think I am seriously struggling as well with our relationship and how bad it is" You sigh "I love you Tom but I was alone as well I just feel like to you I'm the mother of your child and that's all you don't touch me Tom"

"I feel like you don't want me too"

"Oh my god Tom! I need you so bad all of the time!! I feel like you just don't want to touch me" You sigh looking at him

"Trust me baby I do I just feel like the kids rule the house now"

"Well that's why I planned for your mum to have Them" you say looking at Tom as he just sighs looking to the floor

"I'm going to make this up to you I promise and I need you to forgive me"

"Of course I will but I need you to understand that this is the last chance we have now"

"I understand I get you baby" He smiles leaning in and for the first time in months his lips touched yours and it felt right even though you should be mad and you still Where but right now you felt happy to have your Tom back.

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