Two different worlds 2 (AU)

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You and Tom had made your way up to the upper deck where there seemed to be some panic but there wasn't too many people but you did see a family friend whom had helped build the boat. He wondered around in a panic while holding blueprints of some kind.

You held Toms hand so you while still holding hands you pulled Tom over to Mr Andrews in pure confusion as to what was happening.

"Mr Andrews! What's happening"

"Not to worry miss Y/L/N" he says but you knew something was happening.

"We felt the ice berg Mr Andrews" you say quietly

"Just tell us" Tom begs, as Mr Andrews sighs he looks around before pulling you both aside to a more quite place

"The boat has hit an iceberg and it will sink in the next 2 hours and there isn't enough life boats on this ship so go get on one and save yourselves" you look to Tom with a panic

"Well come with us Mr Andrews!" You beg him

"I can't I really can't" he says to you "but you two head onto the deck and go get on a boat and save yourself"

"Thank you Mr Andrews" you say pulling him into a hug before you drag Tom to the upper deck.

You and Tom rush over to the upper deck and you were completely panicking you didn't know how long you would have left on this ship or even if you would both make it alive. You had fallen in love with Tom and you couldn't loose him already you couldn't believe how quickly you had fallen for him.

"Tom What if we don't make it"

"We will" he smiles kissing you "I promise you we will"

You and Tom just pace around trying to look for a boat that was allowing men on the boat as well as it was mostly women and children only but you couldn't leave without Thomas.

"Excuse me this is women and children only sir I'm sorry" A member of the crew warns

"Please just let him on please I need him with me"

"We can't allow that I'm sorry" he sighs looking at you so you just turn to Tom.

"Come on maybe someone else will let us " You say going to drag him away but he stops

"Y/n darling it's not going to happen just get on the boat please save yourself I promise I will try to escape"

"I'm not leaving you!" You snap "I can't leave you Thomas I can't you're the only reason I want to live so I can't be without you"

"Okay okay I'm sorry dear" he sighs pulling you into a hug as he kisses your forehead.

Panic had began to set in around the boat as a realisation of what is truly happening has finally set in. Everyone was running around the ship trying to get on a boat while you and Tom tried to figure a way out until you found a boat that was letting on men.

"You'll let us on!" You asks

"Yes just get on and be quiet!" You and Tom finally sit on the boat and hold hands.

"Get this man off this boat!" You hear someone say so you look up and see your father

"Sir just get on"

"No this man is a third class passenger he shouldn't even be on this deck!"

"Father would you leave it!" You snap standing up

"No remove him from the boat"

"Sorry sir can you leave" the man who was in charge of the boat says to Tom as he sighs standing up and walking off the boat so you follow him.

"Y/n! Where do you think you're going"

"With Tom I love him for Christ sake" You snap walking away from your father

"Y/n stay on the boat!" He says cupping your cheeks

"I'm not leaving you Tom" you say "I love-" before you can finish your sentence the boat begins to tilt up wards.

The screaming began to louden as everyone tries to rush to a boat. You and Tom are being pushed around so he grabs your hand and leads you to the top of the boat that was now beginning to lift into the air.

"Listen darling I need you to hold on" he says as you grab hold of the rail.

The boat lifts up every more before it snaps at the stern meaning the end of the boat you were on begins to Plummet back to the water. You scream as Tom holds onto you tightly and that's when he realises what is going to happen he begins to climb over the rail and pulls you over as well.

"Right the boat is going to sink now darling so I need you to hold onto the rails and when we get close enough I want you hold your breath and do not let go of me" you just nod and the boat falls underneath the water

"I love you" you say just before you head under the water your hand stays tightly on toms but with all the pressure under the water you accidentally let go.

You finally reach the top of the water and just look around for Tom and hats when you panic.

"TOM!!" You scream

"Darling come here" Tom swims over to you and holds you close to him.

"It's so cold" You shiver

"Someone will come get us soon" he smiles as we try to stay afloat.

It was a hour before anyone had come round on a boat but no one around you was moving and you were terrified now. You and Tom where both floating on some kind of wood just keeping you afloat but more of your body was still in the water.

"Tom" you whisper

"Yes dear" he shivers as he holds your hand but you felt as if you were going to freeze but then you see a boat coming from the distant

"Tom a boat!" You say as you try to move your arms to wave for the boat to see you as much as possible as Tom does the same.

"Help!" You shout as loud as possible.

The boat finally reaches you so the men in the boat reach over to pull you out of the water and onto the boat and wrap a blanket around you. Tom is then pulled on and another blanket is given to him as he sits next to you cuddling close.

"I love you Thomas"

"I love you Y/n" he smiles kissing your lips

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