World War 2

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The date was 7th of September 1939 and the government had just passed the law that all men age 18 and over would be required to join the Army and fight for their country.

Thomas Holland was the man you loved more than anyone and he was the man you were due to marry in a matter of days but that was to be postponed due to the war. You and Tom met when you were 19 but didn't start dating until you both turned 20 and for this day and age that was late to not be married so there was even more pressure for the both of you to marry.

"Y/n darling" you hear Tom say from behind you as you turn around from washing the dishes where you see Tom dressed in the uniform of a soldier with his bag over his shoulder.

"Oh my sweet darling you look so handsome" you say drying your hands before walking over to him and moving around some parts to make it look perfect.

"Do you like it?" He asks with a smile as you look up to him still holding onto his uniform

"I think you look ever so handsome Thomas you're so dashing" you smile looking at the love of your life in the eyes as he smiles back to you holding your body close to his.

As tradition had it you and Tom were yet to have sex as you weren't married but you still loved Tom more than anything.

"I won't be gone long Y/n I promise"

"You cannot help how long you're away Thomas you're going to be a hero! What you're doing for this country and you're going to help to save us I know you will" you giggle pecking his lips

"I love you"

"I love you too" You smile back "When do you leave?"

"Tomorrow" You sigh at that news it was horrible that Tom was off to fight in war in which neither of you knew when it would end.

"How long do you think until you're home?" You sigh looking back upto him

"I'm not sure but I promise you I will be back darling" he kisses your lips softly.

The evening was later than you thought but looking at the time you didn't have a lot of time left with Tom before he went away for what could be a matter of years.

"It's late" you sigh

"Let's head off to be then darling"

Tom takes your hand and the both of you head up stairs of your small cottage into the bedroom, the both of you begin to get dressed into the night wear before you climb into bed with Tom climbing into bed next to you.

You move closer to Tom and cuddle into Tom your head resting on his chest you can hear his heartbeat and his light breathing as his arms draped around you and pulls you closer as your leg moves over him.

Sex before marriage wasn't something that people got involved in really and you and Tom wanted to try and keep to tradition but the fact he was leaving for god knows how long made you question so much.


"Yes darling?" He says looking down to you as you look up to him but you couldn't help but lean in and kiss him.

The kiss heats up massively and before you know it your straddling him as his hands move all around your body and up your night gown.

"I want you Tom" you breath out "I don't know when you're going to be home I need you"

"Are you sure darling?"

"Yes Tom" you nod as he pulls your nightgown off and throws it across the room, neither of you had ever had sex before and sex wasn't spoken about a lot in public so it was hard to know exactly what to do.

You both knew the basics so that was what you decided to do, you took Tom's boxers off and your own underwear off as well. Top flips you over so he is on top of you before he enters you and a huge gasp leaves your mouth in pain and pleasure.

"Are you okay?" He asks stroking your face

"Yes I'm fine just move" you say as he begins to move and thrust in and out of you and the pain now also turned to pleasure and Tom could tell you weren't in pain so he moved quicker. "Thomas!" You breath out

"Y/n you're so beautiful" he breathed out

"Faster Tom" He speeds up and you just dig your nails into his back.

Tom didn't give any warning before he came inside of you and you came as well before Tom pulled out and you laid back onto his chest.

"I love you Tom" you mutter before falling asleep.

You woke and Thomas was not by your side so you sit up and get your dress from the floor, you didn't feel regret from what you did last night you loved Tom and nothing would change that.

You make your way downstairs and see Tom wearing his uniform once again with his bag draped over his shoulder

"You look amazing"

"Well we have to head to the station in half an hour so time to get ready too darling" he smiles as you head back upstairs to get dresses. You put on a floral dress with a cardigan and some heels before heading downstairs to grab Toms hand and making your way out of the house.

You arrive at the train station and there were so many other men and women here waiting to leave or say goodbye, but you were late so all men were boarding the train.

"I have to go darling I have to bored the train but I promise you I will write to you all the time"

"I love you Thomas" you smile

"I love to too darlin" he kisses your lips for what feels like the last time. Tom is then dragged off to board the train as you wave to him he disappears in the train before reappearing in a window so you run upto the window as Tom leans down and kisses you before the train starts and you wave Tom off into war.

*one year later*
Thomas had been gone for too long and you missed him so much you hated being alone, you and Thomas did live in the country side so you didn't have as many bombs as there were in London from what you heard on the radio.

Tom had been sending you letters every other day and you replied as soon as you got them and you had just received another one and you did love reading what he had to say.

Dear Y/n,

I miss you dearly I Truly do and I still think of our last night together all the time. All the other men here are either married or just like us but the way they look at other women makes me realise that I love you more than most men love their women.

The trenches aren't the best and the weather is cold but all I care about is how you are doing? Is everyone okay at home? Have there been any bombs? Are you safe? Had anything changed since I've been away?

I hope to come home soon this war has already been going on for too long and everyone is fed up with it I just want to be back into your loving arms my darling and to kiss your sweet lips is the only thing I wish for.

I could never forget your face but your image becomes more distorted as the days go by I just wish to see you again I want you to understand the love I have for you is unbelievable and I can't wait to see you again.

From your love
Thomas x

This war must end soon it has to end before the distant becomes far to much for you to handle you wanted to be back in Toms arms again.

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