I would-Peter Parker

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In this Peter is British x

Peters POV:
I stared across the lunch hall as Y/n sat with her friends she was just laughing and smiling along to whatever they were talking about. Ned was sat next to me but I wasn't paying attention to him at all I was focused on Y/n and everything she was doing.

"You're creepy" Ned says snapping me out of my thoughts

"I'm just admiring her beauty" I scoff looking down

"Well she has a boyfriend" Ned laughs and in my head I was her boyfriend and I would look after her, hold her at night, make sweet love to her while she screams my name but that wasn't the truth "And here he is now" I look up to see her twat face boyfriend strolling into the canteen.

His hair was jet black and curled kind of like mine, but he was a lot taller than me he must have been like 6ft 3 or something like that he had a bunch of tattoos for some reason I mean why does he have that many tattoos he's like 17 for fuck sake.

I watched as he walked over to her she turned her head slightly looking up to him with a smile as he pushes one of her friends away from her as he sits down next to her grabbing her face and kissing her forcefully

"He's such a dick" I sigh looking over to Ned

"Well clearly she likes it" He sighs taking a bite of his food.

I was looking over to her and Troy I think he is name, They had stopped kissing but his arms where still around her as he was kissing her neck and nibbling her ears

"I bet they fuck all time" Ned giggles I just turn my head and shoot my head to him and giving him a dirty look

"Don't even start"

"Peter she doesn't even know who you are" I just sigh as the first bell goes this tells us that we need to start making our way to the next lesson so I stand and Me and Ned begin to make our way out of the hall but as I'm walking out I bump into Troy

"Watch it" he snaps pushing me away from him and I fall to the ground.

"Troy! Would you stop it" Y/n comes out and hits Troy as I stand up with Ned's help as I smile to Y/n in a thankful manor.

"Well tell him to watch it then!" Troy shouts
to Y/n "Fucking little prick" he snaps walking away from both me and Y/n as she just sighs as she looks over to me and wow she was so beautiful.

"I'm sorry about him Peter" she knows my name actually knows my name

"I-it's fine" I smile through the stutter as she flashes another smile

"You Guys Are coming tonight right?"

"To where?" I ask very confused

"My party"

"Erm Yeah sure" I smile

As me and Ned reach her house I begin to get very nervous this could be my chance to actually talk to Y/n and try to maybe even make my move I mean I know she's with Troy but he doesn't care about her at all. I know if he found out what I was thinking he would kill me without any warning.

"Right when we get in there I will try and find Y/n"

"Why don't you just pull out Spider-Man"

"He's not a party trick Ned" I sigh as we make our way inside.

Walking into the house and all I can smell is alcohol and weed it was full of sweaty bodies that danced against one another as soon as I walk in. Ned was off a few minutes into the party and I was just standing in the kitchen awkwardly

"Peter! You made it!" Y/n cheers as she walks over to me pulling me into a hug, the alcohol was clear on her breath

"Yeah" I smile as she pulls away "So where is Troy?"

"Erm I don't care, he chose to get drugs over coming here"

"Oh right" I sigh

Y/n was very drunk now as she continued to drink through the whole time we were talking and it was so good to actually talk to her I mean she is so beautiful and as she continued to drink she got flirtier and flirtier.

"Peter come with me" Y/n giggles grabbing my arm as she pulls me through the crowds of people and up the stairs and into what I was guessing was her bedroom as she pushes me onto the bed "Peter have you ever had sex with anyone?"

"Erm" I felt so awkward I didn't know what to say I mean do I lie?

"Don't feel bad if you haven't" she smirks

"No I haven't"

"Do you want to?" Y/n was too drunk right now and I didn't want to do anything she wasn't sober enough to decide what she really wanted.

"Not right now"

"Kiss me then" I just freeze as she utters the words I had wanted to hear for so long but I wasn't moving so she walks over straddling me her hands grip my face as she lifts my lips to meet hers as they meet the butterflies come alive as I kiss her back my hands move round to her back pulling her closer to me.

"What the fuck!" I hear from the Now open door we pull apart and look at the door where I see Troy standing there Y/n jumps up and rushes over to him

"Get out Troy" she pushes him back

"No you've just cheated on me with that nerd!"

"Oh piss off you broke up with me earlier! Seriously you need to sort it out and leave my house you're not welcome here" she shouts pushing him out of the room and just before he leaves he turns around to say

"You're dead Parker!"

"Sorry about him, I do really like you Peter and I guess I needed to drink to tell you that but I do want to get to know you better" I just smile

"Wow Erm I do really like you too" I stutter

"Well that's good then" Y/n smiles kissing me again and I don't think I've ever been happier.

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