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You where single as hell and you always had been single, dating just wasn't your thing and never had been but your parents decided that that excuse just wasn't good enough. You decided that if you were going to date anyone it would have to be the most perfect man ever and if not you'd just fake it.

You were working like usual in the local pub in your area behind the bar when a group of boys come walking into the pub you look up and smile at them before cleaning down the bar.

"Hey can I get 4 pints of Guinness please" You look up to see a brown curly haired man in a white top and jeans.

"Yeah of course hun" you smile before grabbing 4 pint glasses and making the drinks as you line them up on the side

"Can I take these two to the table and come to get the other two and pay"

"Course" You smile. You then get the till ready so he can pay for the drinks he had ordered. "£16.43 please" he holds his card up so you grab the machine and hand it to him

"Thank you" He smiles grabbing the other drinks before heading back to his table.

God he was so cute. But he wasn't your type so why did you find him so god damn attractive.

You spend the rest of your shift cleaning glasses and just serving the locals that were always in here. The boys you had served before were still sat in their booth and you couldn't help but look over once in awhile at the beautiful man.

"Are you all good to close?" Your boss says coming up behind you

"Of course" you smile.

The clock stroked midnight and you had clear everything apart from the one table left of boys so you decided to head over and let them know you were closing up now.

"Hey I'm really sorry but we're closing now" you smile to them

"Oh sorry" they smile before getting up

"You closing alone?" The fit one asks you

"Yeah" you giggle

"Let me help" you just look at him with shock on your face. Why would anyone want to stay late to clean

"It's not fun" you giggle

"Well I'm sure I can help make it better" he smiles, he tells his friends to leave as he is going to help you out. You then grab the cloth and antibacterial spray along with a mop and broom before heading back out to the main part of the pub.

"You sure you still wanna help?" You giggle handing him a cloth and spray

"Of course" he giggles as he begins to wipe down the counters.

You both begin to clean in silence for a few second the music playing in the background. You looked over to him a few times before you realised you didn't know his name.

"Hey!" He looks up at your call "what your name?"

"Oh sorry I'm Tom" he smiles walking over and shaking your hand. "And you are?"

"Y/n" you smile

"Very nice to meet you beautiful" He smirks

"Wow that's flirting"

"A bad attempt but yes it was" he smiles moving glasses to wipe the sides more as you mop the floor trying not to take too long as you just wanted to go home.

"Well i like the attempt"

"So what do you do then considering you know my place of work"

"I'm an actor, you might know some of my roles"

"Hit me" you giggle

"Spider man..."

"Holy shit you're Spider-Man!" You say looking at him in pure shock stopping what you're doing to just make sure that he isn't lying.

"Are you serious?"

Tom looking at you giggling before dropping what he's doing and walking over to you with phone in his hand before showing you the cast of Spider-Man homecoming and sure enough there he was.

"Holy shit" you giggle "From Hollywood to cleaning pubs huh?"

"Shut up I choose to do this" He giggles


"Because you're hot"

"Just because I'm hot?" You smirk

"And because I was too scared to ask for your number earlier so Y/n please May I have your number"

"Only if you help me more often"


"Then you're hired" you giggle "now get back to work"

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