Meeting the fans

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Tom always loved his fans he was such a sweetie and most of his fans where absolutely lovely but there were a handful of them that were so horrible to you Because they were jealous of you and Tom you had been with Tom since you were like 15 so you had been with him from before he was a huge star and that's what hurts most about the hate you weren't exactly using him because you were the one to support him through think and thin. Fans were mainly nice to you when you met them most of the ones that were mean was online. One day you and Tom decide to go out for lunch while he was doing press in La for his newest film so you went to a nice restaurant in the middle of La so you knew you would probably be disturbed but you hoped it wouldn't happen but a part of you knew it would. As you sat opposite eachother while Tom went on about how he missed Tessa a group of girls come over to him.

"Hey, could we get a picture?" They asked

"Yeah yeah sure" he says standing up and going next to the girls "Y/N baby can you take it" he smiles as one of the girls hands you the camera

"I'll take a few" you smile snapping some pictures of them "here" you smile handing the camera back to one of the girls.

"Ew these are blury can you take it again?" She asks, Tom looks at you and you just nod and take the camera again. "Can you make it a good picture please I want to post this and if it's shit like the other one I can't post it" she says in a very bitchy way you just fake smile and take the pictures. After they say goodbye you sit back down and sigh

"What's up?" Tom asks

"Did you not see how she spoke to me like a piece of shit most of your fans are so lovely but some of them talk to me like I am the devil" you say very pissed off.

"Babe she just wanted a nice picture"

"No she wanted to be a bitch" you say slamming your hand down on the table

"Why are you pissed at me" he asks so confused

"You don't stick up for me you just smile it looks like you don't care how they speak to me"

"They are my fans babe I can't be horrible to them" he says

"But when they talk to me like shit it would be nice for you to say anything to make them stop just think about that" you say that was all you were going to say on that matter.

"Babe just..." you cut him off

"I'm not gunna say anything else just keep what I said in mind" you smile a sarcastic smile. Then you unlock your phone and just go on it and ignore him for the rest of the meal

"Right lets go then" he says after paying the bill you stand up and then you both start walking back to the hotel. You get inside and make your way up to your room when you are in the elevator you see the girls from before

"Oh it's Tom and his gross ass girlfriend" you just look at Tom and frown.

"Hey! Don't speak about my girlfriend like that she is amazing and beautiful and if you're a so called fan you would except my girlfriend" the lift stops and Tom grabs your hand and walks you out as the lift doors shut he looks at you

"That's so fucking sweet but this isn't our floor" you laugh

"Oh shhh I was being cute" he smiles kissing you.

Sorry it was short 😬

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