Meeting Harrison

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You and Tom had been dating for awhile now but you haven't gotten round to meeting Harrison and mainly because it scared the shit out of you because he's Tom's best friend and he's going to have an opinion on you and if it was bad you didn't know if Tom would stay with you. One day you were chilling at home when there is a knock on the door you open it and see Tom smiling with his cute little smile

"Hiya babe" you smile kissing his lips before letting him in

"Hi, are you doing anything right now?"

"Well I was kinda hoping we could do" you say looking at him biting your lip.

"Ahh fuck" he says

"What?" You smirk

"I kinda hoped you would say nothing because I kinda may have told Harrison we'd meet him" you just give Tom that disappointed look and then you turn around walking back to the living room and sitting on the couch

"Why tom?"

"Please he really wants to meet you Seriously I talk about you all the time and he wants to also I've met all your friends"

"You've met one" you say raising your eyebrow

"Your best friend and she was judgy so counts as more than one" he pouts crossing his arms

"Fine okay I'll come but if he doesn't like me then it's not my fault"

"He'll love you" Tom smiling kissing you and then pulling you up. Once your shoes are on Tom grabs your hand as you make your way out of your apartment and down to his car. You were actually very scared to meet him he seemed intimidating for some reason but you hoped he wasn't. It takes about 20 minutes when you arrive at Harrison's house once your out of the car you walk right over to Tom and grip his hand tightly with fear as you walk up the pathway and knock on the door and Harrison opens with a huge smile on his face

"Hi guys" he says pulling Tom into a hug "and you must be the famous Y/N I've heard so much about you" he smiles pulling you into a hug

"Lovely to meet you too" you smile, Harrison let's you and you all take a seat at the table with some sodas. "So what exactly have you heard about me then Harrison?" You ask smirking at Tom

"That you're highly beautiful and wild in bed" you just slap Tom's chest

"It was a complement" he giggles

"You're such an ass" you laugh back. You where still feeling a bit awkward and really really didn't want Harrison to hate you it meant a lot that Harrison did like you while you're in thought Tom's phone rings and it's his agent

"I have to take this will you two be alright?" He asks standing up

"Of course" Harrison smile and you nod along with him, tom walks out of the room and you just look at smile at Harrison you weren't good with people "Tom really loves you, you know that right?"

"Yeah I love him so much as well"

"He's never been like this before not to anyone just the way he looks at you tells me how much he cares, please don't hurt my best friend" he says

"Harrison I could never and would never hurt Tom"

"Good" he smiles "I do like you though"

"You do?"

"Yeah I mean you make him happy so why should I have any kind of problem with it obviously if you were a huge bitch then I wouldn't but you're not you're a really nice girl"

"Thank you don't know how much that means"

Tom comes back and sits down and for the rest of the day you went out to get food after meeting with his brother Harry, you and Harrison became really close friends and you became important to Harrison as a friend as well.

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