Endless Arguments

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You didn't really like arguing with Tom well you hated it actually but also sometimes he would just annoy you to the point of an argument and then you would snap and you would completely just be at each other's throats and this was happening a lot lately. You'd just moved in together so you were with him so much more and you thought that might be the reason, you wake up in the morning with Tom missing from beside you so you just get up and walk downstairs where it was a completely mess and there was note saying;

Gone out be back later... Tidy please :)

You just throw the note down and sigh then you look around and tidy because it really was a huge mess so once you've done you get ready for no reason other than to take selfies so once you've done that you just sit on the couch all day. About 7 at night Tom finally rolls in you just stand up and walk over to him with your hands on your hips

"Where the fuck have you been" you swear

"Out with Harrison" he says putting his coat down and walking right past you

"Why didn't you text me that or something I was worried all day but mainly pissed off" you say crossing your arms

"Why though you knew I was out"

"Not because of that because of this" you say throwing the note at him "I am your girlfriend Tom not your maid so start treating me different or I am leaving"

"You couldn't leave me" he laughs sitting down on the couch taking some fruit from the middle of the table and biting into it.

"And why not?" You cross your arms while standing over him.

"You just can't am all you have sorry babe" he winks. You couldn't believe he was being like this so you just storm into your shared bedroom and lock the door you decided to wait as he always falls asleep watching the tv so you start packing all your stuff into the biggest bag you can find you write a note and just leave it next to Tom then you leave and head to your friends place hoping she would let you stay.

I wake up so confused, I hate arguing with Y/N but sometimes I can't help it I've been so stressed at the moment with work and everything I just take it out on her and I do feel bad I just can't help it. I stand up and walk into the bedroom hoping she's calmed down as I walk in I see all her stuff is gone my heart drops so I rush to the closet and see she had taken all of her clothes I just rush to the couch were I had fallen asleep to get my phone where I see a note from Y/N;

I don't know what's happened to us... you were and still are the love of my life and fighting with you kills me but you went to far today the way you spoke to me is not the Tom I know so for the time being I'm staying with Zendaya we will speak in a week and see what is going on I'm sorry Tom but it's hard right now. I love you but we need to be apart at the moment

I just stare blankly at the note I can't believe I've made her feel this way I've driven away the one person I love more then anyone because I'm stressed out at work, I can't push her away anymore so I need to leave her to be alone but it's going to be so hard.

*2 weeks later*
You still hadn't heard from Tom and you felt like he'd forgotten you. But you needed to go back to your old place Because you had left some important things there like letters and jewellery and stuff so you made your way over and unlocked the door. As soon as you walk in the whole house was a mess and Tom was asleep were you left him it looked liked he hadn't moved you decided to just get your stuff and leave so you head into the bedroom they hadn't been touched since you left while you were rummaging through the draws looking for your stuff you hear the door creek open you look round and see Tom.

"Y/N?" He says surprisingly

"Hey" you say in a low voice

"I've missed you I didn't want to make you feel like I was pushing you or anything" he says coming closer "I love you so much Y/N please come back I was just stressed and I know that's not a good enough excuse but I really would never do it again I can't loose you Y/N I'm going crazy"

"Babe I think we should start gradually I'll start staying night by night and see how it goes" you say walking closer, you did miss him immensely

"Thank god" he smiles leaning down and kissing you, oh how you missed his kisses

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