The Bet (2)

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It's safe to say that you were absolutely broken by Tom and his actions you had never felt so degraded in your whole life and taken advantage of. You hated how you felt when you looked at pictures of Tom you felt horrid inside you felt used and worthless you hadn't moved from the couch since leaving Tom's place you slept there and didn't even really move unless you needed to, you had eaten heaps of ice cream and cried a river over and over mainly because you kept watching Spider-Man homecoming and infinity war you didn't even know why.

As you where sat watching infinity war for the 10th time you heard a knock on the door you wore Tom's old shirt and some underwear but that was it so you walk over to the door and open it where you see Harrison and Tuwaine so you just groan going to shut the door again

"Wait please" Harrison says putting his foot in the way stopping you from shutting it

"For what?" You snap

"Please listen to us Y/n I know that you probably don't want to see us but just give us a chance to talk to you" Tuwaine says as you just sigh letting go of the door and allowing them to walk in as Harrison shuts the door behind him you just walk back to the living room taking your seat where you had been for the past few days.

"You have 10 minutes that's all" you say looking at them as they sit on the couch opposite you as you grab a blanket to cover yourself their eyes move to the tv and they both sigh.

"Listen Y/n we know that we're the shittest people ever for even daring him to do that and we get that we're horrible people for that" Harrison sighs

"Did you not think how I would feel? I'm not some prostitute so for you to bet on getting Tom to sleep with me is so horrid and absolutely vile, whenever I look in the mirror and think about what you guys did to me it hurts I feel violated and you should never allow any women or man to feel that way!" You snap as the anger was getting to you

"We're so sorry Y/n" tuwaine sighs looking to the floor

"You didn't just come here to say sorry so what else do you want" You ask looking at them with your arms across your chest

"Tom is a mess without you" Harrison sighs

"Not to be rude but you don't look the best without him" tuwaine adds in

"I'm not but it's not all your guys fault he said yes, he took the money, he did slept with me for money, he spoke to me for money so as far as I'm concerned he is just as bad as you guys"

"Y/n please just go see him Just please go see how he is and you'll understand what I mean he won't even talk to us he hates us because of what we made him do"

"You didn't make him do anything at all it was all down to him to sleep with me, to do everything our relationship was built on a lie so why would I want to put myself back into that I need to respect myself"

"Please just let us-"

"No I'm not going back, yes I'm a mess without him but I'll get over it and so will he I'm worth more than he treated me"

"We know you are and that's why we came to say sorry" Harrison adds

"And I appreciate you saying sorry but the actions Tom did I can't forgive him for them I get it if he feels bad but he still did it and I can't do that to myself I'm sorry and nothing will make me change my mind so can you just leave" they take a deep breath before standing up and walking out.

You will always love Tom but no one should treat anyone the way he treated and used you.

No happy ending because why should there be? I know Tom would never do that but any man who does doesn't deserve a rockstar like you guys so respect yourself and stick up for what you believe in!!! Xxx

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