Baby series- Insercure

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I changed the name to baby series now but it's the same thing x

The twins where about to be a month old and you were starting to feel more self conscious about how your body had changed during the pregnancy as you had put on weight and you weren't going to deny that you did because you were carrying two babies. You began to not look in the mirror and now you were able to have sex with Tom again that was something else you wanted to avoid as much as possible you just hated the idea of Tom seeing your body now so you kept it hidden.

It was 4 am and you were up with Hudson rocking him back to sleep in the living room as his cries where loud and you didn't want to risk waking River as well. All of sudden you see the light is turned on your head shoots round and you see Tom standing in the door way

"Turn it off!" You whisper shout at him he jumps but turns it off

"Why?" He asks coming over to you

"Because if he is in light he will wake up more" you smile as Tom moves his hand round your waist and kissing your neck

"Your stressed" he whispers into your ear nibbling it slightly

"Well duh I get like 4 hours of sleep, I have two babies and a horny boyfriend" you giggle

"All them things are true" he smiles "but seriously you need to sleep so I asked my mum if she would watch them all day and night so you can catch up on sleep during the day and we can have some fun at night"

"You asked your mum for that?"

"Well I just said can you watch the kids I didn't give details obviously" he laughs, you try to avoid the situation you where so scared about it you hated your body now.

"Yeah okay" You sigh as you continue rocking Hudson

"Here head back to bed I'll wake you later on" he takes Hudson from you as he pecks your lips as you head up the the bedroom and go to sleep.

You get woken up by Tom about 10 and you felt a lot better after some sleep you stand up and come downstairs where you see River and Hudson in their bouncer.

"Thank you for letting me sleep" you smile walking into the living room and picking up River as she stirred around

"It's fine also I made you breakfast" he shouts from the kitchen and you just smile

"Come Get Hudson then" you say as Tom walks through the living room door in nothing but grey sweatpants and you smirk at him as he reaches down to get Hudson and with his other hand he picks up the bouncer and you do the same with River's bouncer. When you're in the kitchen you place the bouncer down on the floor by the table and you place River inside the bouncer and sit at the table next to Tom as you pick around at your food you weren't too sure on eating so you pick around and eat little bits

"Babe why aren't you eating?" He asks finishing his last bite

"I'm not too hungry" you say as the door goes, saved by the bell. You quickly get up and open the door where Nikki and Dom stands smiles on their faces.

"Hello" you smile "come on in" you smile opening the door more as they walked in they hugged you loosely before walking into the kitchens where Tom stood. You follow in behind them as Tom hugs them as Nikki then leans down to the babies and strokes their cheeks.

"They've gotten so big" Nikki smiles

"I know it's weird how fast they grew" Tom tells them as he comes behind you kissing your cheek lightly.

"They're only going to get bigger" Dom laughs.

After a few more minutes of talking they where about to leave they had both the babies in their car seats so you head over to them and kiss them good bye you where going to miss them so much

"I will phone you later to make sure they're okay and if anything is wrong please call me and I will right there and if—"

"Y/N don't worry they will be fine this isn't the first time I've dealt with twins" Nikki giggles as Tom pulls you close

"I know I'm just going to miss them" You sigh as you lean your head onto Tom's shoulder as a smile moves to your face as his arms pull you closer to him.

"We will see you tomorrow" Dom smiles with Hudson in his hand as they leave

"Bye thanks for this" Tom smiles waving them off as he shuts this door. "You still need to sleep or do you want to get straight to business?" He winks his hands moving up your body

"I'm still tired so let's just chill for a bit" you tell him still trying to avoid this topic of sex.

It was now 8:30 and you and Tom had spent the whole day being a couple again rather than parents and it was so nice to have this. You could tell that Tom was getting more and more turned on as he moves his hand further up your thigh as you sat on the couch. All of a sudden he leans and begins kissing your neck.

"Babe I know that you were tired earlier but how you feeling now" he smiles turning you round so you're under him your legs opened resting either side of him. "But I need you" He smirks leaning in and for a moment you aren't scared so you connect your lips with Tom's and your hand moves to his cheek and the other hand runs through his hair and your legs move around his torso. Tom moves his hand down the side of your body then up your T-shirt and that's when all the insecurities come rushing back and you pull away

"Erm I don't know about this" you say pushing him off you

"Oh are you a virgin?" He jokes and you smile slightly "what's up?" He asks

"I don't want you to see me naked anymore I mean my body is ruined and so different now I don't know I just don't want you to" you tell him but you don't want to look at him so you keep your eyes on the floor

"Y/N You're beautiful Absolutely perfect and I get you're like this because you just had two kids at once most people only get one, but Y/n I don't care what you look like because I love you so much and nothing will ever change that and you're not even fat nor have you put on that much weight"

"I just feel fat"

"You're far from it" he leans in and kisses your forehead

"I love you" you smile

"I love you too now let's cuddle" he smiles pulling you in for a hug.

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