Pregnancy series-First Scan

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You and Tom were very very very excited to see your baby for the first time, you had booked a scan and you had been counting the days down for weeks now and the day had finally come, you had Nikki asking if she could come with a lot but Tom was very set on it just being the two of you so you never told her the day. You woke up being sick into the toilet like you had been for the past few weeks Tom was also up holding your hair back and once you're done you get up and brush your teeth.

"I hate being sick I really really hate it and I can't wait until this stops" you pout, Tom just comes up behind you wrapping his arms around your waist and kissing your neck

"This is all for the baby though it will all be worth it" He smiles you just look at him in the mirror as he looks at your with his cheeky little smile. "Right let's get ready appointment is in 2 hours bub" he smiles leaving the bathroom as he does he slaps your ass lightly. Once your ready and Tom was as well you rush into the kitchen jumping around

"We get to see our baby!!" You smile kissing Tom

"Wooo, lets go!" He smiles, you make your way out of Tom's apartment and down to the car. You were practically bouncing you were so excited. "You're so excitable" he giggles

"We get to see our baby" you smile holding his hand tightly as you reach the car. You climb in the drivers side and Tom in the passengers side you were both so excited.

"Should we do a live stream and like not say what we're doing but hint" he asks, you just smirk at him

"Go on then" you smile starting the car up as Tom starts a live stream and places it on the dash board. "Yo guys"

"Hey" you say as you begin to drive pulling out of the drive way.

"So today we're doing something very exciting aren't we" He smiles looking at you but you keep your eyes on the road.

"I am very excited it's safe to say I could actually pee myself" you giggle, as you join a row of traffic.

"I mean we can't tell you guys what it is yet"

"We're horrible" you giggle "but I honestly think it's worth the wait, why don't you guys tell us what you think it might be" the traffic begins to move so you start moving again

"Okay so most of them say that we're getting married"

"Okay definitely not" you laugh, the hospital wasn't far so you had reached there by now "Right we're here"

"Okay guys so you'll find this out soon" Tom smiles ending the live stream, you stop the car and climb out shutting the door behind you Tom comes round and holds you hand as you make your way into the hospital walking up to the front desk where you see a smiling receptionist

"Hello how can I help you two" She smiles

"I have a scan booked"

"Name?" She asks typing something on her computer.

"Y/N Y/L/N" you smile

"Take a seat the midwife will be out soon" she smiles, you thank her then you and Tom make your way over to the waiting area.

"Are you scared?" He asks as you play with his fingers

"Why would I be scared?"

"I don't know, not just for this scan but like the whole thing"

"Giving birth does scared the shit out of me but I have to get over it because there is no turning back now" you laugh

"Miss Y/L/N" a women in a blue uniform comes out you stand up Tom's hand still linked with yours as you follow her down a long hall way. You then both turn into a sideroom seeing a technician sat on a stool and the midwife then leaves

"Hello miss Y/L/N" She says standing up to shake your hand

"Call me Y/N" you smile

"And I'm Tom" he says shaking her hand as well.

"Lovely to meet you guys, okay so Y/N wanna take a seat on the bed and I'll ask you a few questions" she smiles

"Sure" you take a seat on the edge of the bed

"Okay about how many week would you say you are?"

"8 weeks" you smile

"Okay, first baby?"


"Any previous miscarriages?"

"No" you smile

"Okay cool so lay down and we'll have a look at the baby" she smiles, you lay down on the bed as she gets the ultrasound gel "this maybe cold" 

"Okay" you take a deep breath pulling your shirt up and holding Tom's hand, the gel is put on your stomach and it was very very cold without a shadow of a doubt you tighten your grip on Tom's hand. All of a sudden the babies hear beat fills the room

"Wow this is a strong little baby, Okay so you're actually 10 weeks pregnant"

"That is so cool" Tom smiles "is that the heartbeat?" He asks

"Yeah and your baby has a strong little heart beat" she smiles "let's have a look at baby" she turns on the screen and you look up at the screen as she looks for the baby "And there is baby" she smiles and all this emotion fills you and you begin crying

"Oh my god I've never seen something so beautiful" you cry

"So this is the head and there is the toes" she smiles pointing at the screen "right while I get your picture of the baby I'll leave them on the screen" she smiles standing up and leaving the room.

"That's actually our baby" tom smiles kissing your hand "we actually have a baby"

"Our baby is stronger than we thought as well" you smile he leans over and kisses you.

Once the technician has given you all the pictures and you've left you head over to Tom's parents house.

"What a Surprise come on in guys" Nikki smiles as you make your way to the kitchen once your all sat down you just grab a picture out of your bag and place it on the table waiting for someone to notice. "OH MY GOD YOU HAD THE SCAN!" Nikki shouts picking the photo up

"I'm 10 weeks" you smile

"I'm so excited oh my god" she begins to cry so you just hug her

"Okay what do you think boy or girl?" Nikki asks

"Girl" Tom says

"Really I think boy" you say raising your eyebrows at him

"Oh it is on I know what my sperm can do" he winks

"Tom!" Nikki shouts

"Sorry mum" you just giggle.

You really hoped you would be right about this baby mainly to prove him wrong

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