Old friends

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You were 15 when you fell in love with one another it was a first love so it wasn't deep but it was a special kind of love between you both.

You were 16 when you lost you both made love for the first time to one another, it was passionate and had so much love behind it you could hardly believe how lucky you truly where to have him.

You were 17 when the relationship crumbled down, Tom wanted to focus more on acting and in his mind at that young of an age he completely disregarded you most of the time no matter how much you tried you were never the thing Tom was drawing most attention to in the relationship.

3 days before your 18th birthday you and Tom ended it was the most painful thing you had ever been through and it killed you inside and you weren't sure how to cope so you did the next best thing and left the UK to travel.

You're now 21 and travelling had taken you to America to fulfil your dreams of becoming a singer and that had happened recently you had an album that's debuted at number 1 which was the best feeling ever.

You were currently on your way to an interview with Ellen you were unaware of the other guests on the show so you were wondering backstage when you bumped into someone

"Shit sorry!" You giggle looking up and you see Tom both your faces drop it had been years since you had see one another

"Hold shit Y/n!" Tom smiles

"Tom" you breath out

"It's been so long"

"Yeah I know" You were in shock this brung back so many feelings Tom was your first love and in your opinion you would always love Tom.

"So you're on the show today?" He asks, he looked amazing and beautiful you couldn't even answer properly so you just nod

"Y/n you're on stage soon" a producer tells you so you just nod walking away from Tom without another word being spoken you didn't even know what to say so you left it.

"Please welcome Y/n Y/l/n!" Ellen shouts as you walk on stage waving before greeting Ellen with a hug and then taking a seat "Wow you look beautiful how are you?"

"Thank you and I'm good thank you" you smile at her

"Let's talk about your music, now you do break up songs" she smirks "any muses?" You just giggle they were mostly about Tom

"Not really" You laugh

"Are you sure?" She laughs


"Oh okay" she smirks again she had a plan of some sort "Do you know Tom Holland?" You couldn't help but giggle

"Yes we're old friends"

"Old friends? Just friends?" This was classic Ellen but how did she even know no one knew about you and Tom from what you did know.

"Yeah friends"

"What's this then?" All of a sudden a picture of you and Tom kissing at your prom pops up on the screen.

"Oh no" you laugh covering your face

"So this is Just friends?"

"Good Friends" you giggle along

"Well luckily for us Tom is here today so let's welcome him to stage everyone" Ellen smirks before Tom walks out and everyone cheers but you cannot help but sink into your chair until Tom walks over you then stand up and hug him as he whispers in your ear

"You're still beautiful" you just blush before taking a seat again as Tom sits next to you as you just look at Ellen shaking your head

"So I believe you both know one another"

"Yes" Tom smiles as you just nod

"We used to date when we were like 15"

"Until when?" Ellen asks as we both look to each other

"Erm, I was just about to turn 18" you smile

"Oh wow that's long for just friends" Ellen smiles looking at you disappointed "So I think maybe let's have some fun with this and play never have I ever" the paddles where handed to you

"I don't see this going well" You laugh.

"Oh never have I ever dated someone in this room" You and Tom both turn to 'I have' as you laugh along with the audience as Ellen Just smirks "Never have I ever told someone in this room that I love them"

"This is fixed man" you laugh before holding up 'I have' again along with Tom

"I feel like your doing this for a reason" Tom jokes

"Never have I ever slept with anyone in this room" everyone just ooos and you and Tom both look at each other and sigh before holding up 'I have' again

Once you and Tom walk off stage together you just turn to one another and it felt a lot more comfortable with him after this

"That was awkward" he laughs

"I know but it was good to see you" you blurt out

"To be honest I've missed you so much Y/n and you're still beautiful and perfect"

"Tom please"

"No I'm being serious, I mean I could say that I still love you but I-"

"You still love me?"

"I-i guess so yeah" his hand moves to my hip slowly you look down to his hand as his other hand moves to your cheek before he pulls you in for a kiss your lips attached and it brings you back to that first kiss when you were 15 and awkward kids.

"I've missed you"

"I've missed you too" you smile before kissing him once again.

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