How times change

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Thomas Holland was someone you had known for a very very long time, he was sort of a family friend but it all kind of started when you met Tom on your first day of school.

Both yours and Toms mums began to talk while you both played in the park one day and became good friends so even when you and Tom drifted apart during secondary school your mums still made sure you saw each other.

After secondary school Tom hit some Hollywood staring roles while you stayed in Kingston studying business while doing some modelling on the side but it never really got big for you.

"Y/n would you hurry up please!" Your mum snaps at you as you try to rush and put your coat and shoes on at the same time as you were heading to see Tom for the first time in 2 years. Your mums where having a catch up and your mum decided that you should come with her.

"I'm coming for Christ sake!" You say stumbling out the door with one shoe half on as you attempt to walk to the car normally. After a 10 minute drive you arrive at the Holland household so you climb out the car and head to the front door behind your mum as she knocks and Nikki answers with a smile on her face.

"Ahhh hello!!" Nikki smiles hugging your mum as she walks in so you move forward to hug Nikki as well before you walk into the house. "I haven't seen you in so long" Nikki smiles

"I know how have you been?" You ask

"Good good, you have lost weight my lovely" she says with a sigh

"Only a little bit not too much"

"Well now come on let's head to the kitchen all the boys are in the garden" she smiles as you make your way into the kitchen you see through the back doors all the boys playing football in the garden.

You don't even go out as you feel it might be a little bit awkward so you just sit with Nikki and your mum for a little bit until your mum ruins it.

"Y/n go see the boys it's been awhile" she smiles as you stand up annoyed. You were an awkward person and doing things like this just made you so anxious in many ways. You walk to the door and open it before stepping outside as paddy turns his head his eyes meet yours

"Y/n!?" He shouts as the rest of the boys heads turn and before you know it they're all rushing over to you in the cutest manor.

"Where have you been for the past like 3 years!" Sam giggles as you put your hands in your pockets

"Busy" You giggle looking to your feet

"Well welcome back!" Harry smiles nudging you

"Thanks" you mumble. Tom hasn't spoken to you but he was smiling at you in the cute way, you missed Tom as a friend he was your age and always made you happy and smile.

You had relaxed after a little bit and you and all the boys where now in the living room watching random stuff on the Tv you sat next to Tom as the other boys fought over the remote.

"So what have you been doing since I left?" He asks as you put your phone down to talk to him.

"Uni and modelling for money" you giggle

"Modelling? That's a surprise you know" he says as his eyebrows raise

"Why?" You giggle with a scoff

"You're just a shy person from what I can remember Y/n I just don't see modelling as something you would want to do"

"Want and need are different things"


"I'm a uni student Tom, I'm poor" you giggle "We're not all Hollywood superstars"

"Ohhh wow thanks for that"

"I'm kidding" you giggle back to him hitting him a little "So do you still live here?"

"Nah I moved out got my own place a few minutes away from here"

"Wow look at you!" You giggle

"Have you then?"

"No I still live with the parents but I'm saving up to move out"

"You should come to my place! Come have a look we can order food and have some drinks"

"When?" You ask in shock

"Now? Come on let's go" He says standing up. You hesitate but you do take his hand as he pulls you up and you grab your coat before heading into the kitchen to tell both mothers where you were going off to.

It was honestly a 5 minute walk until you reached Toms new apartment and it was a very impressive he had really gone up in the world while you were in debt.

"Wow Tom this is so nice" you say as you stand in the elevator you hadn't even gotten into his actual apartment yet.

"We aren't even there yet" he giggles


You and Tom get out of the elevator and head to his apartment as he opens the door tessa comes running towards you and jumps Up as you stroke her and gush over her.

"I've missed you tess" you say as you crouch down and let her lick your face.

"She's missed you" He giggles as you stand up and follow him into the living area.

"Wow Tom this place is nice!" You giggle

"Thanks, I mean it's the acting that's paid for it all I guess" he says scratching the back of his head as he sits down on the couch he pats it for you to join him so you do.

It was a few hours and a few drinks later when you're  both talking crap about your lives and how they have changed massively. But all you could think the whole time was how hot Tom had gotten since you last saw him you could practically see his abs through his shirt.

"So dating? What's it been like?" He asks

"Non existence, I basically just go on 3 dates perhaps have sex and then never talk again" you giggle "god that's embarrassing" you giggle

"No no it's not I think it's" there is a pause as he looks to you and your faces are closer "Open and brave" he smiles as your lips touch for the first time since you were 4 and you just wanted to see what it was like to kiss a boy and if you would get cooties or not.

Your lips move against one another in a more passionate manor than you'd ever felt ever before but it was nice and felt good. Even though you knew it should feel weird it just didn't

"This is weird"

"What! Sorry" Tom apologies after your comment

"No no it's weird that it's not weird between us"

"Oh well yeah it's all good then" he giggles cupping your cheeks and kissing you passionately once again.

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