Secret Pregnancy

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Since Kylie Jenner recently announced she had a baby (I knew all along it wasn't fake news) I thought this would be a good idea, also watch the video if you haven't already it's so emotional 💜

Love is a hard thing so describe to anyone who hasn't been in love because it's different for everyone. But for you and Tom it was magic the more time you looked at him and spent with him the more you fell in love. It was hard to keep your relationship away from the public so you didn't you shared your lives with them they where fans and they appreciated the fact you shared so much. But sometimes there's a line and for you pregnancy was one of them lines and Tom agreed he wanted to keep you safe throughout your pregnancy. You and Tom couldn't wait to tell his family so only hours after you took the test you decided to head round to tell them. As Nicola opens the door with a huge smile across her face

"Hello lovely's" She says pulling you in for a hug "What a great surprise"

"Trust me there is more to come" you giggle as you walk in your hand still attached to Tom's

"What?" She asks confused very confused you just giggle heading into the living room where everyone is gathered just watching a movie as Nicola rushes in after you "They have a surprise"

"Mum!" Tom says "we wanted to wait a bit" he giggles

"Oh sorry"

"No it's fine we might as well tell them now" you say tightening your grip "well you're the first people to know"

"And we don't want ANYBODY to know and when I say anybody I mean anybody unless we've told them" Tom empathises

"Just tell us?!?" Sam says standing up

"I'm pregnant!" You smile

"Ahhhh" nikki says coming over and hugging you tightly "I am so happy" she says kissing your forehead then hugging Tom

"We've decided to not tell anyone until the baby is born we do not want any stress for Y/N that is the last thing I want" Tom says hugging you close.

"I respect that so much" Nikki says

**17 weeks in**
You had started to show and this was what you were worried about as at this point it would start getting harder for you to hide the pregnancy you were only small at the moment but you knew you would only get bigger. As you were looking in the mirror at your bump you decide to take a picture as after the baby is born you will post the pictures as you're posing Tom walks in.

"Woah you have a bump" he smiles walking over to you and holding your bump "this is starting to feel real"

"Tom we're gunna be parents" you smile kissing him lightly on the lips

"I'm still a kid myself" he giggles

"Well we can grow up together" you smile wrapping your arms around his neck when Tom's phone begins to ring he picks it up.

"It's my agent" he sighs picking the phone up "Hello?...what who told them? Well find out! I am not happy Okay I want this sorted"

"What's happened?"

"Check TMZ" He says still on the phone, you grab your phone out and head to the TMZ site and the first story makes you need to sit down

Tom Holland's girlfriend Y/N Y/L/N is reportedly pregnant, a source tells us that the 20 year old recently announced her pregnancy to close friends and family.

"Who the hell told" you sigh

"That's what I'm trying to find out" he says "no, I want you to find out alright" he says hanging up "Listen we won't say anything about it Okay let's just deny it"

"But why I mean it's true, let's just not say yes or no just don't say anything" you smile

"Brill idea" he kisses you

**Week 27**
You where huge now and it was near on impossible to hide it so you always wore baggy clothes and you didn't know if that made it more obvious but you had to leave the house sometime and Fans where getting more and more suspicious.

@Tomhollandlover2013: I'm sorry but Y/N is pregnant I know it!

@Y/Nispregnant: anyone else's life not moving forward until Y/N announces she was pregnant?

@Hollander2013: sorry these pictures of Y/N she can not deny the pregnancy much longer

**40 weeks**
You where in hospital and you couldn't wait to finally meet your baby and as was Tom, you had a lot of family in the room waiting for you to give birth but you only wanted Tom with you when it happened because he was the one who meant the most to you.

"Okay Y/N are you ready to push?" The doctor asks

"So ready" you smile

"Okay I'm going to ask everyone to leave other than the dad" so everyone pours out of the room "alright I want you to push for 10 seconds to count to ten and push" you begin to push as Tom counts for you then you take a deep breath

"You're so good" he kisses your head

"You are Indeed, okay 10 more seconds ready" you nod and then push again "wow okay okay can we do 5 more seconds and baby will be here" you push as hard as you as the baby comes out and cries fill the room "Baby boy is here" the midwife puts the baby on your chest

"Oh my god we have a baby boy" tom says kissing you and then looking at the baby and stroking him

**4 days later**
You where ready to announce the birth of your baby boy so you headed over to instagram and posted a picture of your baby.

I hope you all understand why I kept this so secret for me this was apart of my life that I wanted to keep between myself tom and our close family and friends i always dreamed of having a calm pregnancy and this was the only way. I hope you can all understand and support me and Tom as we welcome our new son Parker Holland to the world 👶🏻❤️

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