House warming party

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Thank you to hamilfriend for the new Cover!!!❤️

You met Thomas Holland about 3 years at a party and it changed your life completely you and Tom became a couple and dated for a year before it kind of just crumbled down and you ended on very bad terms and you hadn't seen him in nearly 2 years now. You had finally been able to move on and met a man called Ben and you did love him but not as much as you loved Tom but there was still love there between you both.

"Babe?" You hear Ben call throughout your apartment as you sit in front of the bedroom mirror straightening your hair.

"Yeah!" You shout as Ben then strolls into the room with a smile on his face

"You look very beautiful" he smiles before snapping out of his trance "Erm you know my parents just moved into that new house"

"Yeah" you say looking over to him while holding the straighteners in your hand and a brush in another.

"Well they're having a house warming party so will you come with me?"

"Yeah of course" you smile "When is it?"

"In like an hour"

"Ben I could have been given a little more notice" You sigh "You're lucky I'm not doing anything" you giggle continuing to get ready before choosing an outfit.

You and Ben then make your way from your apartment that he had been staying at for the past few days and you drive down to his parents new house you see so many cars parked outside. You climb out of the car and walk into the new house hand in hand with Ben where you greet his parents

"So Nice that you could both make it" his mum smiles pulling you in for a hug and kissing your cheek

"We wouldn't miss it" you smile your hands still laced with Ben's as he smiles at his mum

"Your sister is bringing her new boyfriend" his dad adds in

"Wow she's finally got one" Ben scoffs with a giggle and you just jokingly hit his chest. You then let go of Ben's hand and make your way into the kitchen to grab some snacks and say hello to other members of his family.

You were sat with his auntie just talking about random things when you hear the door open and some cheering and hellos from Ben's parents and you assumed it was his sister and her new boyfriend.

"Ooo what's all the fuss about out there?" His auntie asks taking a sip of her wine

"I think it's Livvys new boyfriend" you giggle drinking some of your wine. You got along with Ben's auntie very well as she wasn't that much older than you as she was many years younger than Ben's mother.

"Oooo well well I think we should get a look at this hunky man" she winks standing up still holding her glass so you grab yours as well and follow her into the living room.

As you enter the room your eyes land on the man you never thought you'd see again especially sat in the living room of your boyfriends parents it was Tom. Your whole body freezes up as Tom's eyes lift up to meet yours his mouth drops open and your eyes just widen.

"Y/n" he breaths out

"Tom" you say back as everyone in the room stares at the both of you looking at one another.

"Do you two know each other?" Livvy, Ben's sister asks

"Erm" You sigh not really knowing what to say as Ben moves his hands to your hips pulling your body to his.

"We kinda used to"

"Go to school together..." you interrupt him I'm a panic "and he dated my friend" you lie and he just nods knowing it would be too awkward to tell the truth.

"What a small world" Ben's mum laughs and you just smile awkwardly.

You had been avoiding Tom as much as possible as you just couldn't deal with it you loved him so much still seeing him hurt you bad. Him and livvy where so cuddly and it just reminded you of how the pair of you used to me.

As you're sat in the kitchen alone your fingers twirling around the top of the wine glass when Tom comes walking in alone.

"Oh hey" he says awkwardly as your eyes meet his a smile comes across your mouth

"Hi" you mumble trying to remove your eyes away from him as you just look at back to your wine glass.

"So new boyfriend?"

"New girlfriend?" You snap back

"First one since you" he mumbles sitting opposite you at the table "What about your douche"

"Douche? That's your brother in law" You snap to him you cared so much about Ben still.

"He's also your new thing so I'm not going to like him"

"Why not we're not together" You scoff to him

"You're still the girl I used to love" he sighs

"Used to?" Tom just looks awkwardly at you as he scratches the back of his neck "Sorry Of course it's used too" you giggle standing up and going to walk out when Tom grabs your arm and turns you around so your faces are very close.

"Perhaps I lied about the used too" he breaths out

"We can't not here" you say pulling away

"Meet me at mine in an hour" he smiles walking out of the room.

**2 hours later**
You had only just managed to get away from the party and you had told Ben you weren't feeling well so decided to head home. You felt bad about lying to him but you needed to see Tom you needed to see if anything was coming of this all.

As you arrive at Tom's place you plant a soft knock on the door as he opens it Tessa comes running around your ankles and jumping up for attention you stroke her before walking into the house.

"She's missed you" Tom giggles as Tessa follows you into the living room and sits "she's not the only one" he mumbles

"You still love me?" You just blurt out and it wasn't intentional but it just came out

"So much Y/n I know it's wrong because we're both in relationships with literally a brother and sister" he sighs "But I love you so much like it hurts me Y/n" you just stare at him and before you know it you lean in and after 3 years yours and Tom's lips touch again.

Your arms wrap around his neck and your whole body is pulled closer to his and the next thing you know is your straddling him while his hands roam all over your body.

"I need you" you breath out

"Not now not while we're together with other people" he says as you look at him then you climb off of him

"Is this really going to happen? Because if it is we need to end things with Ben and Livvy"

"I want it too work so please let's try this" Tom smiles standing up and holding your hand

"Okay let's do this" you smile pecking his lips once again.

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