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Because The 1975 are everything and deserve a chapter after them x

Thomas Stanley Holland was the man who changed your life for the better and worst. You met Tom at a bar after a break up where you spent your time drinking and doing various amounts of drugs as that was what you did when you were broken, you had promised yourself you'd stop the drugs but then Tom came into your life.

Sat in the apartment you shared with Tom it wasn't the best apartment it was a typical drug addicted couple the walls were dirty white and messy in most places you sat on a brown couch staring at a wall off your face on so many different drugs.

"Morning" Tom smiles walking into the room relatively sober before sitting next to you slowly you turn your head to meet his eyes.

"Hey" you groan laying your head on his shoulder

"How long you been up?"

"Since 3" you say sniffling as you feel some remains of what you have previously sniffed up your nose

"What you taken?"

"Coke" you say without even making a big deal out of it why should you this was your life now.

"I'm just gonna have a joint I'm going to see my mum today" he says looking at you before reaching over to grab Baccy, some grinded weed and some rolling papers. "You wanna come?"

"Nah she doesn't like me"

"That's not true she doesn't like the drugs"

"And I do them enough" you giggle before reaching over and grabbing an already rolled cigarette and lighting it up. "Listen she just doesn't think me as wife material and I get that I'm not wife material at all"

"You are for me" He smiles leaning over and kissing your lips, it heated so fast and you had put your cigarette out on the sofa and you were now getting fucked by Tom.

Your nails digging into his back as he thrusts inside of you very hard and you just moan and scream his name over and over again.

All you and Tom did was get high and fuck it wasn't much of a life and you did want to get clean but sometimes it's hard to get over the drug problem. It was when you and Tom finished that your craving of more drugs came about but you decided to fight it off.

"Tom if I shower can i come with you?"

"Of course" He smirks pecking your lips.

Getting in the shower feeling the boiling roll done your skin and it felt good to feel clean it had been a while that you hadn't got in the shower without being on some kind of drug and it never made you feel clean when you were like that.

You and Tom began to head to his mothers house and you tried to look your best but the bags under your eyes from months and months drug abuse and lack of sleep.

"Ahh I'm so happy you're here!" Nikki says pulling you into a hug

"Hey nikki" You smile walking into the house and sitting down with Tom.

Being in his mothers house made you more on edge as you couldn't go have a bump when you wanted you had to stay clean no matter how nervous you are.

"So how are you two?" Nikki asks looking at Tom who was trying to look as normal as possible.

"Yeah we're good been doing as well as can be"

"Guys I need you to be honest have you been taking drugs again"

"Did we ever stop?" Tom sighs holding your hand tightly

You and Tom where sat in your house you on the kitchen side and him on the table creating lines on the table for him to snort up his nose in the next few minutes.

It had been a week since you last got high and this was a big achievement for you as you hadn't been sober for this long in a very long time.

"Tom" you mumble as he rolls a note up before taking a whole line then one more next to it before sniffing a few times to make sure it's all up then he looks over to you.

"Want one?"

"Nah" You sigh looking at the floor your knees up to your chest

"What's wrong with you?" He snaps getting up and walking close to you pulling you knees away from your chest so they're now hanging down off the counter.

"I just don't want anything right now" you mumble looking to the floor.

"Why the fuck not!" He shouts the cocaine getting to his head, it made him violent when you weren't high as well.

"Tom please don't" you jump down off the counter and try and walk past him but he grabs your arm and pulls you back.

"Don't fucking walk away from me!" He shouts into your face pushing you against the wall, you smack your head against the wall and it was violently hard.

"Tom you're so fucked right now I'm going to bed okay?"

"Fuck off then" he screams

You walk back into the bedroom and you just didn't really know what was happening were you giving up drugs. You wants Tom to do the same thing but he just wasn't in the right state of mind right now.

You woke at 5 am like usual it was just your body clock now and you had the worst headache from Tom last night and he was now laid in bed next to you. You decided to wake him and he wasn't too happy as he mustn't have slept long.

"What" he groans

"Tom I need us to go to rehab or our relationship back I love you but I can't do this"

"Rehab? Since when are we quitting?"

"I'm quitting now and I will be there for you Tom but I need you to help yourself" he sits up in bed looking at you. "You hurt me last night Tom"


"You slammed me against a wall and I whacked my head and my back" you say taking your top off where laid purple bruises all down your back

"Holy shit Y/n I'm so sorry"

"Get sober Tom and we can do this but I'll give it one more time, I'll give us one more fight"

"Okay I promise" he smiles hugging you and kissing your cheek.

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