Pregnancy series- Finding out

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You had been with Tom for a year now but it felt longer it felt like decades you just loved him so much. You and Tom were very loved up but also very careful when it came to having sex always protected you wanted to be safe to stop you from having the moment you were having right now.

You were sat in the bathroom on the floor waiting for the timer to go off to find out if you were pregnant or not you were shaking you didn't know how to react if you were you didn't know what you'd think but this was the longest 3 minutes of your life but finally the timer went off and you grab the test but you didn't look your eyes where closed you were scared to look but you find some strength to open your eyes and look down


"Shit" you say to yourself, how would Tom react would he want the baby? How would you tell him? The front door opening snapped you out of your trance so you stand up panicked what to do

"Y/N?" Tom shouts

"In the bathroom one minute" you shout back very scared and unsure what to do so you shove the test in the cupboard and just walk out of the bathroom where you see Tom smiling in a baggy white top and grey trackies

"Hey sweet" He says you walk over to him as he pulls you into a hug his hand on your waist pulling you closer as you peck his lips.

"Hiya" you fake smile trying to hide the fact you were so scared right now

"You alright?"

"I'm fine, hey how about we go out tonight for a meal me and you like date night we hardly go out anymore" you say smiling

"Sounds perfect, let me shower then we'll go" he kisses your forehead and then heads into the bathroom and it didn't even cross your mind the test was still in there. You head into your shared bedroom lifting your top up looking at your bump less stomach yet you knew it would come finally.

You decide to try and block it out of your mind and get changed ready to go out with Tom so you found a body suit and jeans to put on and once your changed you look at your self in the mirror and smile you were happy ish with how you looked mainly because you knew that you would get bigger.

"Babe?" You hear Tom shout

"Yeah?" You shout back

"Come here" He asks, you sigh walking out of your bedroom and into the bathroom where you see Tom holding your pregnancy test in his hand "you're pregnant?"

"Shit Tom I was gunna tell you in a better way"

"Babe, did you think I was going to be mad?" He says and you just look at the ground and nod slightly "your mad you really are"

"What?" You say looking up into his eyes

"I've wanted to have a baby for years and now it's with you it's perfect" he says walking closer to you placing his hand on your stomach

"You're not mad?"

"Far from it, we're going to be parents and there is no one I'd want to have a baby with more than you" he kisses you "Now we have something to celebrate so let me get changed then we'll go out" he smiles kissing you before leaving you alone in the bathroom looking at the test with a huge smile on your face.

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