Chapter 1

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I got ready for school.

I did my hair and makeup soon later

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I did my hair and makeup soon later. I was done. I grab my book bag and close mine and Evie door. I walk to the boy's room I open the door and I see Carlos sitting on the bed with a dude while I guess that jay is in the shower. I said meets us in the lunchroom for breakfast he nods.I close the door and walk into the lunchroom I look for Evie. I see her at our table I grab an apple and walk over to our table and sit down by her and start to eat my apple. I walk to my locker to get my books for class then Ben pop by he said hey and then he looks into my locker and seen my spellbook. I thought you gave that to the fairy godmother I shut my locker then he asks are you ready for our date I replied un oh.I forgot he just look at me I replied I will do that Thursday he replied today is Thursday I replied no it isn't then he pull out his phone and show me that it was Thursday. I walk to class later that day .
I grab my spell book and look through it for a cooking spell and hair spell I close the book and did the spell and his favorite food was on the table I wait on Ben soon later Ben came he sit down at the table and we start to eat the food then he ask for paper towel I reach over to the table to grab them but there are some in here he reach into the basket and he pull out my spell book I look at him he look at me I thought fairy godmother had This i got up from my chair and while he look in  my spell book cooking spell , hair spell then he shouts Are You trying to spell me I just look at him then he shouts this isn't the isle of the lost mal I know that I ran back to mine and evie's room and lock the door I don't be belong here while crying I look over at my jacket I grab my jacket and put it on I walk over to the dressers where I keep my mom and grab a little box and start to poke holes in it and I grab my mom out of the cage and put her in the box with holes in it and I stole my spell book from fairy godmother I leave evie a note I close the door and walk down the halls and I see Ben making out with Uma I yell what the hell is going on they pull back Ben said mal I'm sorry but I  should had told you that Uma was here I was shocked then she said mal I'm sorry but me and Ben are in love I fake smile I replied it's okay Uma I don't care you and Ben date as long you are happy then she came over and hug me then she pull back I smile and way bye so I can go to class I was trying not cry I walk out of the school and grab my spellbook I can go cross the aisle I say the spell I walk cross the aisle I go through the isle I walk to mine and Evie old place i grab a rock and throw it at the sign I walk up the stairs and into the room . I grab a can of spray paint and start to spray long live evil on the wall.

Harry Hook POV
I watch Mal walk into her old place after she and the four left I still had a crush on her even after what her and her friends did to crew I walk up the stairs and watch Mal through the window I see her drawing on her old bed I wait for her to get out of the room soon later she left the room I open the window and sit down on her bed soon later she had come back she said Harry I replied Mal she replied what are you doing here I get up from the bed and walk over to her I said I want to be with you she replied I don't know I replied I let you think about it I walk out of the room so she can think about it I down the stairs where there is painting of evie and Mal on the wall I sit down on the chair and start to play with my Hook minutes later she walk over to me  i look up at her she said I think about it I replied so yes or no she replied yes then she put her hands around my neck I carry her to the bed she un rapped her hand from my neck then she ask so our we dating I replied if you want to . She push me down on the bed and got on top of me and kiss me I kiss her back I put my tongue in her mouth I was moving my tongue around in her mouth then she pull away i look at her face see that it's red I chuckled I look at the time and see it's 12:00 am I was about to get from the bed put she pushed me back down she ask please stay with tonight I replied okay I will . I sit up i take off my shoes and my hat and my hook I take off my pants and shirt waiting on Mal to come I look over and see that Mal was ready for bed she walk over to the bed and turned the lights off I crawl by side her in the bed she snuggled close to laying her head on my chest I close my eyes .

The next day
I open my eyes and look over at the clock and see it's 11:00 am I try not to wake up Mal I move her off of my chest I sit up in the bed . I put on my pants and shirt and shoes and hat and my Hook I walk over to the window. I was about to open it when Mal got out of bed and walk over to me. She walk over to me and grab my hand i look up at her she pulled me into a kiss . I kissed her back she put her tongue in my mouth and move it around i ran my hand down her body she pull away she ask can we please continue this . I ask are you sure you want to do this she replied yes
(Sex scene )
I take off my clothes and her's I start to move down to her underwear i pull them down her legs . I move back up to her bra I take it off .I pushed her down on the bed and start to sucked her neck leaving a big hickey. I move down to her p**** and i stick one finger in her she gasped as I stick a another finger in her . Her fingernails was in my back while I was fingering her I add a third finger I take them out and they was covered in her juice . I get up taking off my underwear freeing my 9 inch cock i walk back to her I spread her legs open I grab my cook and start to rub against her v card . She got up from the bed and walk over to me and bent down and she grab my cock and put it in her mouth and start to suck .I grab her hair pushing her back down my cock going back into her mouth I start moan I shot my cum down her throat and making her swallow it . She pulled back I pushed her back on the bed and spread her legs I ask before I do this are you on the pill she replied yes. I slammed into her she gasped in pain I stop moving so she can get use to me couple minutes later she said keep going i keep going . Soon later we both cum with her's on my stomach and mine in side of her I pull out of her .
(End of sex scene )
I pull Mal to my chest while we are trying to catch our breath i look down at her and see that her eyes are closed . I pull a blanket over us since we are still naked I close my eyes . I open my eyes and look over at the clock and see it's 9:30 am . I look down at Mal and see that she is a still sleeping i move her over . I get out bed and walk into the bathroom to take a shower.
I open my eyes and look over at the clock and see that it's 9:58 . I get out of bed and put my robe on since I am still naked .I look around for Harry but I can't found him i walk to the bathroom and see that he is in the shower. I grab my clothes off the floor I walk over to my dresser . I grab me a clean pair of underwear I put them them on I grab purple jeans and my purple and green leather jacket . I start to fix my hair and my make up . I grab perfume and spray some on me since what happen last night .
2 weeks Later
Harry Hook POV
I watch Mal get up from the bed and run into the bathroom to throw up .I get out of bed and put my shirt and pants on . I walk into the bathroom and hold her hair back couple minutes later .she got up and walk over to the sink and brush her teeth I ask are you okay she replied I'm fine .I said if you need me I will be down at the restaurant later that day . I heard the doors open I look up and see Mal dress in yoga pants and shirt and her hair pull up . I walk over to her i ask are you feeling better she replied yea I'm fine .she walk over to tables and sit down .
Mal's POV
I watch Harry go back into the kitchen and get food . I don't know what's wrong with me because I been throwing up . I have weird cravings for stuff and I have being having mood swings and I can't keep stuff in my stomach. I would throw it up after I was done eating and my stomach starting to get big and my breasts are hurting bad . I guess I will find out later minutes later he came back with food he hand me it . I start to eat it like crazy I guess i was hungry I stop eating and look up . I see him looking at me weird I just shake my head continue eating . then I stop eating and ran to the trash can and start to throw up the food I just ate . I keep throwing up he walk over to me and hold my hair back .I wiped my mouth with my hand i tell him I will see you later he nodded. I walk out the restaurant and start to walk back to my apartment. I climbed up the stairs and walk into the my bedroom and check the calendar. I seen that it's the end of the month and I check when last time I had my period. I am late I haven't had my period . I go into the bathroom and pull out a pregnancy test I take it out of  the box . I do my business on it and I wait for 3 minutes ( 3 minutes later ) the timers goes off . I turned the pregnancy test over and see that it's positive. I close the bathroom door and get into the shower . After I was done I got ready i grab purple jeans and my purple and green leather jacket . I fix my blonde hair and make up .  I put my combat boots on and I grab the pregnancy test walk out . I put the pregnancy test in my pocket and walk out and start to walk to the restaurant.
I feel bad for cheating on Mal with Uma I miss her and now she is on the isle of the lost . Because of me I need to get her back . I heard the door open it was evie . She walk in with a note in her hand .i grab the note out of her hand .i start to read it I get up from my desk . I shouted this is my fault that she left . I ran out of the door leaving evie behind . I need to go get her .
Harry Hook POV
I wait for Mal to come back I walk back into the kitchen. I put the plates in the sink and walk out of the kitchen. I heard the doors open I look up . I see that it's Mal she walk over to me. I ask did you find out what is wrong with you . She replied yes I did and she pull out a stick . I look at that the stick what is that . She hand me the stick I grab it and look down at it . I see that it's positive i start to think about it then it hit it me . I look up at Mal I said you are pregnant she nodded. I drop the stick and walk to her. I wrapped my arms around her neck and pull her close to my chest. We pull back from each other.

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