Chapter 64

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( 30 weeks )
Heartburn. If you're feeling the burn, pay attention to which foods may be causing it. ...
Trouble sleeping. You're tossing and turning because you can't get comfortable—and because your mind is racing. ...
Swelling. ...
General discomfort. ...
Shortness of breath.


I was still up since I can't sleep, I have been tossing and turning all freaking night.

I look over at the clock and see it's 5:30 am.

I'm wide awake now and I should just stay up the whole night .

I just turn on Supernatural.

I continue to watch As Michael tricks Dean, We had a deal! Dean yelled from the Tv.

After that Episode went off, I crawl out of bed and walk into Damian Nursey.

I walk over to his crib and look inside, I see sleeping Damian but I don't see Slappy in the crib with Damian.

I look around the nursery for Slappy but I don't see him anywhere, I must have left him in the living room when I put Damian to bed.

I walk out of Damian Nursey and I walk into the living room.

I look around for Slappy until I finally see him.

He was in the living room chair, with a big fat grin on his wooden face.

I'm pretty sure that I left him in Damian playpen but how did he get into the living room chair?

I just grab Slappy by his arm, I walk back into Damian Nursey and I sit Slappy down in his crib.

I walk back into mine and harry bedroom.

I crawl back into bed and I pull the covers over me .

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