Chapter 59

431 13 2

( 24 weeks )
stretch marks.
itchy skin.
dry or itchy eyes.
slight breast colostrum production.
occasional Braxton-Hicks contractions.

Harry POV

It was around 3:30 am, Everyone was asleep instead of me. I was still up in the bed, I turn to look over at mal.

She hugged up to the pillow and I just smile at her before I got out of the bed and walk into Damian nursery.

I walk over to his crib and look inside.

I see a sleep, Damian holding Slappy in his arms while he sleeps.

I just close his door and walk back to mine and Mal bedroom and crawl back into bed as I turn the lights off.

I check the clock and see it's 3:57 am.

I was about to fall sleep when I feel Mal move closer to me, she wrapped her hands around me and snuggle into my chest.

I just run my hands threw her hair as she sleeps on my chest.

Good Night, I love you Honey, I said as I kiss her head.

I love you to princess, I said as I move my hand down her stomach .

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