Chapter 155

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I have one secret that nobody knows, Harry doesn't know it, I have another kid with Harry, This was before I was pregnant with Harry.

I have a little girl name, Lucy Quinn Hook, My Lucy that I had to hide in secret bc I was so scared that Harry would find out about her, that why I hide her.

Harry and I weren't together yet, I was still with Stupid King Ben, Lucy isn't Ben, hell no, Lucy is definitely Harry Hook Kid, Bc She is a mini-me of him.

I'm bad mother, I hide my own kid bc I was scared to tell her father, back then Harry and I were enemies and we didn't get along since he was with Shrimpy.

more like I broke his heart.

I had in up letting Harry Sister Harriet Hook watch Lucy.

She told me that she won't tell her brother about Lucy until I was ready.

Harriet knows all about Lucy and why I let her take care of her for years.

(Harriet Place )

I knock on the door.

Hey Mal, Harriet said.

Hi Harriet, I said.

Come in, Harriet said.

I walk inside and look around.

Mommy Mommy, Lucy said as she comes running to me.

Omg Baby Girl, I miss you so much, I said as I hug her.

Harriet was smiling.

I had shown her pictures of you, so she won't forget you, I told that is your mommy, Harriet said.

Aw Thank you, Harriet, I said.

No problem, She said.

Is that what I think is, Harriet said as she points at my wedding band.

Yep, Harry and I got married last year, so I'm Mrs. Hook Now, I said.

Finally, my Brother finally asked you to marry him, Harriet said.

Yeah, He asked me to marry him, It was a date at first then He got on his knee, Best Day Ever I said.

It sounds romantic, Harriet said.

Oh, It was I said.

Finally, sister-in-law, Harriet said

Baby Girl are you ready to meet your daddy, I said.

Yeah! , Lucy said.

Harry is going to love her and he will understand why you had to hide her Mal, Harriet said.

( Ursula Restaurant)

I walk inside the restaurant with Lucy on my hips.

Mommy what is this place, Lucy said scared.

This Ursula Restaurant, It looks scary but it's not, I'm here to protect you, mommy isn't going to let anything happen to you, I said

Hey Mal, Hello Little Girl, Gil said.

Hey Gil, Is Harry Here, I asked?

Yeah, He is, Gil said.

Thank you, I said.

Hey Honey, what are you doing here, Harry said as he walks out of the kitchen.

I want you to meet someone Harry, I said.

He just looks at me.

Harry, I want you to meet your daughter Lucy Quinn Hook, I said as I show him, Lucy.

He just stares at me with a shocked look on his face.

Gil had his mouth open, shocked, the food in his mouth fell out.

My What, Harry said.

Your Daughter, I'm so sorry Harry, I was so scared that you were going to come after me, she has been hidden and living with your sister Harriet for so long, we weren't on good tumors, I said.

Mal, It's Okay, I would never go after you, I just wished that you told me about our daughter, I understand that you were scared and ran to my sister, Harry said.

I'm bad mother, I hidden my own child, I said.

Your not bad mother, you are a fantastic mother and a wife, Harry said.

Aw, I love you, I said.

I love you too, Harry said.

Do you want to hold her, I said.

Yeah, He said.

Lucy, This is your daddy, I said as I show her harry.

I hand her over to harry.

Wow, you are so beautiful, He said.

Lucy just looks into her daddy blue eyes.

Aw, You two are so cute, I said.

Daddy, She said as she snuggles into his chest.

I love you so much princess, Harry said.

I smile at them.

She loves you to Honey, I said as I kiss her head then Harry Lips .

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