Chapter 53

461 15 3

( 18 weeks )

Swollen feet and/or hands. Swelling can be an annoying pregnancy symptom. ...

Backaches. Baby's putting a lot of pressure on your insides, causing aches and pains in your back.

Leg cramps. ...

Varicose veins. ...

Trouble sleeping. ...

Nosebleeds. ...

Baby kicks.


It was 5:30 am and I'm wide awake, bc I can't sleep.

I look over at sleeping harry and just smile, lucky you can sleep and I can't, I said to myself.

I just get out of bed since I'm now wide awake and I walk to the bathroom.

After I used the bathroom, I just walk into the living room instead of walking back into mine and harry bedroom.

Mal, It's 7:30 am, why are you still up, Tired Harry said as he carries sleeping Damian in his arms.

The baby is keeping me up and every time, I tried to sleep, The baby kicks like crazy, I said as I put my hand on my stomach and try to calm the baby down, but isn't working.

Let me put Damian down, in his swing and I will help you calm down the baby, Harry said.

Harry lays Damian down on his swing and turns on the music and cover him, with his pirate blanket.

Okay, baby number one is still sleeping and let's get baby number two, to calm and stop kicking mommy, Harry said as he sits down and puts his hand on my belly.

Then the baby stops kicking like crazy.

Really One touch from you, the baby stops kicking, I said.

Someone mad that the baby, like me more than you, Harry said while smirking.

No, I'm just, I have been trying all morning to get the baby to stop kicking, the baby stops kicking for you, when you put your hand on my stomach, I said.

Oh, Honey, Harry said as he pulls me into a kiss.

I kiss him back, I feel his hands on my stomach.

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