Chapter 52

495 14 2

(17 weeks )

Increased Appetite. Does your appetite seem insatiable these days? ...

Stretch Marks. ...

Occasional Headaches. ...

Faintness or Dizziness. ...

Heartburn & Indigestion. ...



I'm so huge already, I said as I look at my bump.

Mal, Honey, you are only three months and our baby is growing, Harry said as he pulls me into his chest.

Ik but I feel just so huge, I was never like this, when I was pregnant with Damian, I said.

Well, the second pregnancy is always different from the first, Mal, Harry said as he sits down by me on the bed.

I feel like crying since I already have stretch marks and I hate it, I said as I cover my face and cry into my hands.

Mal, Stop, You are beautiful and I love you as you and nothing can change that, Harry said as he pulls me into a kiss.

Thank you, Harry, I said as I kiss him back.

Do you want anything, Harry asked as he rubs my stomach.

Yeah, The baby and I are craving fish sticks and ice cream with pickles and hot sauce, I said.

Let's go to Ursula Restaurant and I get your cravings and I had Gil installed a freezer for you, Harry said while smirking.

Yah, I said as I kiss him on the cheek as I walk out of the room to get Damian.

( Ursula Restaurant)

Here you go Honey, Harry said as he hands me a tray full of Fish sticks and fries.

Here is your Ice cream with pickles and hot sauce, Gil said as he hands me, my desert.

Thank you, Gil, I said.

Anytime Mal, Gil said as he walks away.

I grab a fish stick and dip into my ice cream and take a big bite out of it and let out a moan.

Ew, how do you eat that, honey, Harry asked as he sits down by me and takes fish stick off my tray?

Before he could get it into his mouth, I smack it out of his hand.

No! I said as I take another bite of my food.

Harry just looks at me, with the shocked look before a smirk came upon his face.

Someone is hungry, Harry said.

I'm eating for two now, I said.

Ik, Harry said as he kisses me on the cheek before he grabs a fish stick off my tray and eats it before I can get it.

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