Chapter 130

191 6 1

(35 weeks )
shortness of breath.
frequent urination.
trouble sleeping.
swelling of the ankles, fingers, or face.
low back pain with sciatica.

Harry POV

I'm still In Mal Spell/working room.

I look threw the book that says In memory of my baby Harry Thomas Hook Rip my Angel 04.24.12.

I see a bunch of pics mal being pregnant with Harry.

She looks so happy.

I pick up a picture, I see that it Mal hands-on her bump, her smiling.

I continue look threw the pictures until I see a note.

Dear Baby Boy
Mommy Can't wait to see you and I hope that you look your daddy, I was so happy that you finally kick, I'm going to name you Harry Thomas Hook after my boyfriend Harry Hook, I hope that you have your daddy big blue eyes, I'm so sorry that I could not save you, I blame my self for losing you, my heart is broken, I haven't told your father yet about you, One day when we meet again, I hope that you are a spitting image of your daddy harry , Rip my baby angel

Love Mommy💔

I just wish that I told Harry, About me being pregnant with his son but Ik that he wasn't ready for a kid yet at 16, I said as I read Mal old letter.

If I knew that Mal was pregnant back then, I would have been there for her when she did miscarriage, and I would not care to be a father at 16 back then, I said.

Poor Mal, I wished that you told me about this, I would have done anything to make her feel good and smile back then, I said.

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