Chapter 17

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(21 Weeks )
Ugh, I wish this pregnancy was over. I'm huge and I can't see my feet. My back hurts. My stomach is cover in stretch marks because I am so big. I have been having symptoms like fever, cramping. I pulled out of my thoughts when the baby kick. I have been to the doctors and the baby is healthy. The baby is a size of a carrot and I am around 4 months. I would never thought I would be here on the isle but I'm am happy on the isle with a baby on the way and with Harry. I would never think that ben would cheat on me with Uma. He knows that I hate her but I guess that he didn't care about me.  Jay hates me because I  didn't want to go back with them and get back together with Ben. The isle isn't a good place to raise a baby but I am glad that I have Harry with me.why would I want my baby boy to be raised as a prince and no he isn't any prince. My baby boy is a pirate and I know that I'm a villain but I would like to be a pirate with Harry and My baby boy. Evie, she is happy for me and can't wait to meet the baby when he is born. Carlos, He was little mad about me leaving and going back on the isle but when I told him that Ben had cheated on me with Uma.

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