Chapter 159

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( Two Weeks Later )


Mr. and Mrs. Heelshire should be coming back soon from their trip.

It's been a great two weeks for The Kids and I.

I'm starting to love Brahms as my own child, He is a good kid to be around.

Malcolm, who delivered their food once a week.

He keeps on trying to ask me on a date, I tell him no bc I can't leave Brahms and Lucy, Also I'm Married.

I pulled out of my thoughts when I feel Brahms pull on my arm.

Yes, Honey, I said.

Can we play music now, Brahms said.

Yeah, we can, I said as I take Brahms's hand and walk into the music room.

What do you want to play, I asked?

My lullaby, Brahms said.

Okay, I said as I sit down on the bench in front of the piano.

Mommy, makes me sit on the bench by you, Brahms said.

Well, You don't have to sit by me, you can sit on my lap if you want to Brahms, I said.

Mommy never lets me sit on her lap, Brahms said.

Well, Ik that you listen to your mommy and daddy but they aren't here, you can sit on my lap Brahms, I'm not going to get mad at you, I said.

Are you sure Nanny Mal, Brahms said?

Yeah, I'm sure, Come here, I said.

I help him onto my lap.

I watch him begin to play the keys, he is really good for an eight-year-old.

I was so busy focus on Brahms playing the piano, I didn't see Lucy at the door.

Lucy looks at her mommy and Brahms, with Jealousy in her eyes as she watches them play the piano, She watches her mommy hug Brahms and tells him that he did a great job.

Ever since we got here, all mommy does is spend time with Brahms, It's all about Brahms, She doesn't pay attention to me anymore, Lucy's thoughts.

Nanny Mal, I'm hungry, Brahms said.

Let's get you something to eat then, I said as I grab his hand and walk out of the music room.

I sit him on the counter, I wash my hands before I fix Brahms something to eat.

What do you want to eat, I asked?

Sandwich and fries please Nanny Mal, Brahms said.

What do you like on your sandwich, I asked?

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