Chapter 48

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( 13 weeks )


Maleficent POV

I'm going to surprise Mal, I got her a little gift for the baby.

I might have got her a brown crib with pink on it since I think that this baby is going to be a girl.

Mom, What are you doing here, Mal asked?

I just wanted to see you and my grandbaby, Damian, I got the baby a crib, I said.

Thank you but why does it have pink in it, Harry and I haven't found out the sex of the baby yet, Mal said.

I believe that it's a girl, Ik that I'm right, I said.

I believe that it's another boy, Mal said.

What does Harry want it to be, I asked?

He wanted a princess, so he can dress her like a pirate and threatened to kill the boys with his hook or his sword and I don't think that Our Daughter is going to get a boyfriend, with Harry as her father, since everyone is scared of him, I see him being overprotected with his princess when it comes to boys, Mal said.

I can see that happening now, I said.

Oh, Dear, Mal said.

Hold on I have another gift for the baby, I said as I leave for a couple of minutes.

Okay, I will just be here looking up the symptoms, Mal said.

Decreasing Fatigue. Now that your body has had a trimester to adjust to pregnancy, you may be starting to feel a little less tired these days. ...

Food Cravings & Aversions. ...

Heartburn & Indigestion. ...

Constipation. ...

Visible Veins. ...

Faintness or Dizziness.

I'm back Mal, I said.

What is the gift this time, Mal asked?

I got her a onesie, I said.

What does it say, Mal asked?

If Mommy and Daddy Say No Grandma Maleficent will say yes, I said as I read what the onesie says.

Really Mom, Mal said.

What I like it, I said.

This Kid is going to be spoil by you and harry, Mal said.

Heck Ya she is going to be Mal! , I said.

Mom! It could be a boy again, Mal said.

Nope It's going to be a girl and Harry thinks so to, so two against one, I said.

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