Chapter 163

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Harry POV
I was woken by a child giggle.

I look over at the clock and see that's 8:30 am.

I was about to close my eyes again and go back to sleep when I heard a giggle again.

I throw the cover off and I put my sweatpants back on.

I walk out of the room and down the stairs.

I walk into the kitchen, I see Mal helping Brahms with Breakfast.

Morning Honey, Mal said.

Morning, I said as I run my hand threw my messy hair.

Is Lucy in School, I said as I walk over to the coffee machine.

Yeah, She is, Mal said.

So have you called the lady from the adoption agency, I asked?

Yeah, I have this morning, She will be around 10, Mal said.

That gives us one hour before she comes, I said .

Come eat, Breakfast is ready, Mal said.

Ok, I said as I get up from my spot at the table.

( One Hour Later )

After Breakfast, I took a shower, Since the Lady will be here soon.

I got dress .

Mal, are you ready, the lady is going be here soon, I said

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Mal, are you ready, the lady is going be here soon, I said.

I'm almost ready Harry, Mal said.

Are you ready Brahms, I said?

Yeah, I'm ready, Brahms said as he comes down the stairs dressed in a suit.

You look, good little man, I said.

Thank you, Brahms said.

Mal , Hurry up, The Lady is almost here , I said .

I'm coming, She said .

She dress in

You look beautiful, I said

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You look beautiful, I said.

Aw Thank you, Harry, She said.


The Lady is here, I said as I open the door.

I open the door and I see a young lady around the age of 26 or 28.

Hello I'm Kaylee Obrien and I'm from the Adoption Agency, She said.

Hello, My Name is Harry, This is my Wife Mal, I said.

Hi, She said as she shakes both of our hands.

Who is this little guy, She asked?

This is Brahms, I said.

Hi, She said.

Is this the one that you two wanted to adopt, She asked?

Yes, We would, Mal and I both said.

Okay, Let's start, She said.

FullName Brahms Heelshire

Birth 1983

Age 8

Gender M

ParentsNames Missy and Barney Heelshire ( deceased)

We already run a background check on you two and It came back great, So you two can adopt him, She said.

Let's do this, Mal and I both said with a smile.

( One Hour Later )

Sign Here, then you will be done, She said.

I sign my name.

Congratulations You Two, You are now Foster Parents / Adoption Parents, She said.

Brahms Heelshire-Hook

That has a good ring to it .

Thank you, I said as I show her the way out .

( Later that night )

Night Brahms, I said as I cover him with his blanket.

Night Dad, Brahms said before rolls over and closes his eyes.

I just look at the sleeping boy, before a smile came over my face.

GoodNight, My Son, I said as I kiss him on the head.

I turn the light off, I look at him more time before I close the door.

I get into bed, I see that Mal already sleep

GoodNight Honey, I said before I close my eyes and go to sleep .

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