Chapter 60

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(25 weeks )
Trouble sleeping. Maybe you can't sleep because you're getting nervous about delivery, or maybe it's your haywire hormones—or just your big belly getting in the way. ...
Frequent urination. ...
Constipation. ...
Hemorrhoids. ...
Gas and bloating. ...
Heartburn. ...
Braxton Hicks contractions.


I was woken by pains in my back and my belly.

It too early for labor but it might be Braxton Hicks Contractions, But I started to rub my belly to calm down the baby.

It wasn't working, I started to shake Harry until he woke up.

What's wrong, Tired Harry asked?

I can't get the baby to calm down, I said.

Let me see if I can get the baby to calm down, Harry said as he moves closer to me.

He pulls up my shirt, I watch him say some words to the baby, then I feel the baby stop kicking me in the ribs.

What did you say to the baby, to make her stop kicking me, I asked?

I told her if she doesn't stop kicking you, she isn't going to have another sibling in the future, Harry said while smirking.

I just laughed and I pull my husband into a kiss.

I feel him kiss back.

I love you, I said.

I love you too, Harry said.

And I love you, Harry said as he kisses my stomach .

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