Chapter 9

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(13 weeks )
I got ready for the day.

(13 weeks )Mal POVI got ready for the day

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I did my hair and makeup for the day. I walk out of the bathroom. I watch Harry climb out of bed and walk to the bathroom shirtless. I wait for Harry to get out of the shower. Couple minutes later. I watch Harry come out of the bathroom, ready for the day. I stand up and walk over to him, I grab his face and, pull him into a kiss.

I pulled back from the kiss. I smile and put my hand on her stomach, I move my hand down on the little bump.  I keep my hand on her stomach and start to rub circles on the bump. I can't wait for her to get bigger because we can find out, what she is having.  I watch her grab my hand and put her's on top of mine.  I am so happy that I get to call you mine she said. I know that you can trust with and I promise, I won't break your heart like Ben did, I said.

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Ben POVI can't Fucking believe mal is together with Harry hook and having his baby

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I can't Fucking believe mal is together with Harry hook and having his baby. I can't blame her for being mad. This is my fault that Mal left. I wish I  haven't cheated on her with Uma who she hates. Now she is a lot happier with Harry. I feel bad because I and Mal aren't friends no more sense, what happens with Uma. I cant' forgive my self what I did. I lost Mal because What I did. She is on the isle of lost, because of me doing shit like that. I'm happy that She is Together with Harry and having a baby on the way.

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