Chapter 164

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So when Lucy gets home today from School, Harry and I going to tell her about us adopting Brahms.

I'm scared of how her reaction going to be.

I was up in the attic and I found an album of Brahms when he was little.

I look threw the album, I see pics of Brahms, when he was a little baby, I see pics of him with his parents.

This pic is the same photo from the painting in the living room, But the look on Brahms Face, I can't say what it is.

Sadness, Hurt.

I climb back down the ladder with the photo album in my arms.

I walk into the kitchen, I see Harry drinking a cup of coffee, Brahms is at the table eating.

Hey, Where did you go, Harry asked?

I went up in the attic, I said.

Oh Ok, did you find what you were looking for, Harry said.

Yeah, I did, also I found a photo album of Brahms when he was little and baby, I said.

So we are telling Lucy, or what, Harry said.

Yeah We are going to tell her, but I don't know how to tell her, without her getting upset about us adopted Brahms, I said.

Maybe, I will stay home with Brahms, While you spend some time with Lucy by yourself, you need to get out of this house, Harry said.

Ok, maybe I do need to get out the house, You need to spend time with Brahms and get to know him, Maybe I do need to spend time with Lucy, She is my daughter, I said.

When she gets off the bus, take her out for ice cream, I will be fine with Brahms, Harry said.

Thank you, I said as I kiss him.

Ur welcome, Harry said.

(Later that night )

So how did Lucy handle it, Harry asked?

I'm hoping good, I said.

Well, we might find out in the morning, Harry said.

Yeah, I'm tired and I'm headed to bed, Good night Honey, I said as I kiss him.

Night, I love you, Harry said.

Love you too, I said.

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