Chapter 160

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I was watching Brahms and Lucy play outside, while I watch them from the window.

I was slipping my coffee as I check my phone, I see that I have like 120 miss calls from Harry.

I can't call back bc they don't have wifi here, I can call him on their house phone.

I continue to watch them, I take another drink of my coffee, I look out the window again and I see Lucy Push Brahms.

Lucy Quinn Hook, I said as I rush outside, I see Brahms on the ground, I look over at Lucy and see she has a bat in her hand.

Young Lady, Give me that, I said as I take the bat out of her hands, I didn't raise you like this.

I want you to apologize to Brahms for pushing him, Young Lady, I said.

No Mommy, I'm not apologize, Lucy said.

Now Lucy, I said apologize, I said.

No No, I won't apologize, Mommy, Lucy said.

Lucy Quinn Hook, I said apologize, young lady, Tell Brahms that you are sorry before you get into trouble, I said.

No, I'm not saying sorry, you can't make me Mommy, Lucy said as she sticks her tongue out at me.

That's it, young lady, I have had enough of this, I said as I grab Lucy and put her over my knees.

No Mommy, Lucy said.


Ow Mommy, Stop, Lucy said as the tears go down her face.

Apologies to Brahms now, Or You will be getting five more smacks young lady, I said.

Fine Mommy, Lucy said.

I watch Lucy walk over to Brahms.

I see them hug, I smile at them, maybe after this Lucy will stop being so jealous of Brahms.

I was about to walk back inside the house, when I heard crying, I turn around again and see Brahms on the ground again.

Lucy Quinn Hook, I said.

Mommy, Lucy said.

That it's, You had It, Young Lady, I said as I grab her hand and walk inside the house.

Sit here and do not get up, young lady, I said as I put her in timeout for five minutes.

I run to the kitchen and grab the first aid kit, I run back outside to Brahms.

Shh, It's okay, everything is going be just fine, I said.

What hurts, I asked?

My Knee, Nanny Mal, Brahms said.

Let's see what wrong, I said.

I roll up one of his pants leg.

I see his knee is cover in blood and dirt.

I'm going to clean it and make it better, I said.

I clean his cut really good, I put a bandaid on his knee.

Okay, Who is hungry, I said as I take his hand.

I am, Brahms said.

Come on, Let's get some lunch, I said.

I walk inside the house and into the kitchen.

I put the first aid kit back under the sink, I wash my hands.

I help Brahms up on the counter.

What do you want for lunch, I asked?

Grill Cheese, Brahms said.

( Five minutes later )

I help him off the counter, I watch him walk over to the table.

Here you go, I said as I hand him his lunch.

Thank you, Brahms said.

( Later that night )

It's was around 9:30, I was trying to put Lucy to sleep but she won't go to sleep.

Lucy Quinn, Get back into Bed Now, I said as I see her out of bed for the third -time.

No Mommy, I don't want to go to bed now, Lucy said.

Too Bad, It's all most 10 clock at night, why can't you be like Brahms, listen to me and be good and goes to bed when I say so, said.

Lucy just looks at me, with the hurtfull look that I have ever seen.

Just get into bed now, I have to go check up on Brahms when I get back you better be in bed young lady, I said.

I walk into Brahms room, I see him fast asleep, I kiss him on the forehead.

I was about to walk out of the door when.

Nanny Mal.

I turn around and I see Brahms awake and rubbing his eyes.

Hey, What wrong, I said as I sit on his bed.

I can't stop thinking about Mommy and Daddy, that why I can't sleep, Brahms said.

Oh, Brahms, why don't you sleep with me tonight, I will be there if you have another bad dream, I said.

Ok Nanny Mal, Brahms said.

I pick him up from the bed, He wrapped his arms around my neck, same as he wrapped his legs around me.

I walk into my bedroom, I sit Brahms down on the bed.

I crawl into bed, I feel Brahms move closer to me.

I see Brahms fast asleep on my chest.

Goodnight Brahmsy, I said as I kiss him on the forehead.

I turn the light out and pull the covers over Brahms and I.

I look at him one more time  before I finally go to sleep.

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