Chapter 135

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Harry POV

Today is the day, that Mal gets to come home from the hospital with the twins.

I think that we are all ready to go home, Plus Mal has been dying to go home yesterday but the nurse told her that she has to stay in for another night.

Okay, I'm all dress and The Twins are in their car seat ready to go, She said.

Let's go home, I said as I pick up Thomas Car seat, While Mal gets Dylan Car Seat.

Yay, We finally get to go home, Mal said as she puts her hand into mine.

Yeah, Why did you put on a face full of makeup, I asked?

People just like me wearing it and they say I look beautiful with it on, Mal said

That is nice of them but I think that you are beautiful without it, I said.

Aw Thank you, I love you so much Harry, Mal said.

I love you too, I said before I pull her into a kiss.

You say that I look beautiful without makeup, why do you wear eyeliner, Mal asked?

Bc I look Sexy wearing it and you love it, I said with a smirk.

Yeah Yeah, I do love it and you being sexy is 💯, that why I feel in love with you back when we were kids, Mal said.

Oh Really, I said with another smirk.

Yeah, even though we are now being married for one year, I still fall in love with you over and over, You are my one true love, I love you so much Harry James Hook, Mal said with a smile on her face.

I love you too Mal Bertha Hook, I said.

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