Chapter 49

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( 14 weeks )

I was sitting on the couch texting, Evie, while Harry was playing peek boo with Damian.

Peek Boo! Harry said as he covers his face, then uncovers it.

Damian just started giggling.

You like that, Harry said as he continues to make Damian giggle.

Are you having fun, with daddy, I asked?

Damian just continues to giggle as he throws his arms down and up.

I'm going to take that as a yes, I said before I cover my mouth, run to the bathroom.

Mal, are you okay, Harry said as he picks up Damian and puts him on his hip.

I really think that this is the last time, that I have morning sickness, I said.

I wiped my mouth with my hand, I get up off the floor and walk over to the sink.

I brush my teeth, I spit out the mouthwash.

I walk out of the bathroom and back into the living room, I look up symptoms.

Decreasing Fatigue. You're probably feeling a renewed sense of energy now that your body has finished its first-trimester task of manufacturing the placenta. ...

Continued Breast Growth, Less Tenderness. ...

Increasing Appetite. ...

Varicose Veins. ...

Stuffy Nose. ...

An End to Nausea & Vomiting.

Do you want me to, fix you anything while I'm up, Harry asked?

Yeah, I wanted Ice cream with pickles, jelly beans and chocolate sauce on it, I said.

That is gross, Harry said as he walks away to fix it.

Well, your child wants it, I said.

Here you go, Harry said as he hands me a bowl.

Thank you, I said as I kiss on him on the lips.

Ur welcome, Harry said as he kisses back.

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