Chapter 20

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(39 weeks ) 

It was around 7:50 am when my water broke. I'm guessing that he wants out today as I grab my jacket while Evie and Harry help me out the door. (Birth) I groaned loudly as I gave another push, "Come on, Mal, you can do it." He breathed in my ear, as his hand squeezed yours. 

"One more push!" The midwife grinned up at me, "One more, you can do it."

I looked at him, looking for reassurance that I could do it. He pressed a tender kiss to my forehead, "You can do it, mal. You're the strongest thing I've ever seen. One push and then our baby will be here. We'll be a real family."

I nodded before giving one last push and when I thought I couldn't go on anymore, I heard the shrill scream of a baby; my baby.

Falling back, I smiled up at him as he let out a shocked breath of laughter, "You did it." He whispered, pressing soft kisses to my knuckles as the nurses snipped the cord and hurried to weigh and clean the still crying baby, "You did it."

It was only mere minutes later when the baby was placed in my arms by a smiling nurse, "You have a little son"

My eyes filled with tears as I cradled him close to you, "He looks like you." He said from My side, watching with an awed smile, "Beautiful like you... Can I..."

"He is your Son, after all," I smirked as I  handed him to Harry. My head fell back onto my pillow, I was exhausted. But, it was worth it.

"I love you, my two little devils." He whispered, pressing a kiss to my head and then Damian's head.  

Damian Bruce Hook Born 2.9.19  10:45 am 

Wight 8lbs 9oz 20in long 

Harry Hook x Mal ( Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now