Chapter 45

513 14 4

( 10 Weeks)
Mal Pov

I was woken by feeling nausea and it was so bad, that I had to run to the bathroom and vomited up my food.

When is this going away, I said as I wiped my mouth?

Then I have a craving for ice cream, salt chips, hot sauce, I walk out of the bathroom.

I turn the kitchen lights on and open the freezer and grab the ice cream out of the freezer and grab the hot sauce and the pringles.

I mix them together and take a big bite of it and let out a moan.

Then the living room light turns on.

Mal, what are you doing up at 3 am, tired Harry asked?

Cravings, I said.

Why didn't you tell me that you had cravings, I would have fix anything for you and the baby, Harry said as he sits down on the couch and puts his arm around my neck and the another arm is on my belly.

I didn't want to wake you up, bc of my cravings, I said.

Honey, we are in this together, we have been in this since you told me that your was pregnant with Damian, Harry said.

  Can you look up the symptoms for these weeks, I asked?

Sure honey, Harry said.

Fatigue. ...

Nausea & Vomiting. ...

Food Cravings & Aversions. ...

Heartburn & Indigestion. ...

Bloating & Gas. ...

Increased Vaginal Discharge. ...

Occasional Headaches. ...

Faintness Or Dizziness.

Okay, I'm done with my food and I feel dizziness, I said.

Okay let's get you to bed, I will take care of you, while your rest, Harry said.

You know that you don't have to do this, I said as I crawl into bed.

Ik but I wanted to and I will and you can't stop me , Harry said while smirking.

Okay Hooky, I said.

He places a kiss on my lips and turn the lights out and pulled the covers over us.

Harry Hook x Mal ( Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now