Chapter 61

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(26 weeks )

Trouble sleeping. Yawn! ...

Swelling. You might not like the puffiness, but it's normal to have some mild swelling around week 26 of pregnancy. ...

Headaches. These are often due to hormone fluctuations or stress. ...

Pregnancy brain. ...

Braxton Hicks contractions. ...

Higher blood pressure.


I was woken by having a huge headache.

I rise up in the bed and look across me, I see Harry still sleeping.

My headache is killing me and I can't take anything for it since I'm pregnant, I started to rub my head hoping that it would go away.

I throw the covers off of me, I crawl out of bed and walk into the bathroom.

After five minutes, I wash my hands and dry them on the towel, I walk out of the bathroom and into Damian nursery.

I walk over his crib and peek inside.

I see Damian curl up to Slappy, his hands are wrapped tight around Slappy .

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