Chapter 108

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(14 weeks )
Decreasing Fatigue. You're probably feeling a renewed sense of energy now that your body has finished its first-trimester task of manufacturing the placenta. ...
Continued Breast Growth, Less Tenderness. ...
Increasing Appetite. ...
Varicose Veins. ...
Stuffy Nose. ...
An End to Nausea & Vomiting.


I'm wondering how harry going to act when I tell him that I'm carrying Twins.

I'm hoping that he won't faint on me, I don't need that.

Honey, I'm home from the doctor, I said.

Hey Sweatheart, the kids are down for a nap now, How did the doctor appointment go, Harry said.

It went good and the babies are healthy, I said .

That good, wait did you say babies as two of them, Harry said with wide eyes.

Yes, I'm having twins Harry, I said.

He just looks at me before he faints.

Well, He took better than I thought he would, I said.

I walk into the kitchen and grab a glass and put cold water in it.

I walk back into the living room with the glass in my hand .

This better wake him up, I said before I throw the cold water on Harry .

Ah What the hell Mal, Harry said .

Sorry, I said .

So we are really having twins, Harry said .

Yes we are, I said .

I'm going to be a father to twins, Harry said.

Yes, you are, I said.

I'm so happy, Harry said.

Harry what are you doing, I asked?

Shh, I'm talking to the twins, Harry said.

Hello, babies, it's your daddy, I just found out there  was two of you and I'm so excited to meet you two, your brother and sister can't wait to meet you, I love you guys already and you two aren't even here yet, Harry said while kissing my baby bump .

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