Chapter 161

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I never gave the letter to Brahms that his parents wrote to him before they kill themself by drowning.

I grab the letter off the table as I begin to read it.

Our Dearest Son,

Words cannot describe our heartbreak as we leave you now.

We will not be back. We simply cannot bear to live with what we have

allowed you to become, You are not the son we hoped to have.

The girl is yours now. She is yours to love and care for, and

to continue on the family name with. Treat her well.

God forgive us all

Love always,

Mummy and Daddy XXX

Damn, His parents are fucking acold heartless, Brahms hasn't done anything wrong, I feel bad for him.

Nanny Mal, Brahms said.

What is sweetheart, I said?

Can you read to me please, Brahms said.

Yeah sure, sweetheart, I said as I take his hand as I walk into the library.

What do you want to read, I asked?

IT, Brahms said.

I gave the book off the shelf.

Brahms sit down on the bench by but moves closer to me.

I start to read, I look over at Brahms, I see that he was laying on my shoulder as I read the book to him.

I continue to read the book, I heard Brahms let out a yawn.

I look over at him, I see him rubbing his eyes.

You tired Brahmsy, I said.

Yeah Nanny Mal, Brahms said.

Come on Let's put you down for a nap then, I said.

I save the place where was read, I lay the book on top of the piano.

I put him on my hip as I walk out of the library and up the stairs.

I walk into his room, I lay him down in his bed.

I cover him up with the blanket, I put a kiss on his forehead.

I will wake you up in two hours, I said.

I close the door and walk down the stairs.

I grab my phone and look see.

I have a miss call from Harry.

I try to call him back but it went to voicemail, I try again and again but still voicemail.

( Later that night )

Brahms just wanted snacks around for the night.

It's was 10:40, Lucy already sleeps, it took me forever to get her into bed.

Brahms not so much.

He was tired after dinner.

I had ended up carrying him up the stairs and into his room.

I had read him another chapter of the book that we were reading today.

I cover him with his blanket, I was about to get out of bed when.

Brahms said something in his sleep.

Mommy, Brahms said as he snuggled closer to me in his sleep  

I just look at sleeping him.

Poor Brahms, He must be missing his parents really bad.

I run my fingers threw his hair as he sleeps.

It's going be okay Brahms, I will never leave you, I said as I kiss his forehead.

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