Chapter 31

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Damian is turning four months today and all the time he is a happy baby and never cry if only he needs a diaper change or needs to be fed.

I walk into his nursery and see him wide awake looking up at the ceiling.

Hey, Mommy little pirate I said as I bent down to pick up my chubby baby.

You are getting so big it's making me sad I said before I kiss his head.

Let's get you a bottle I said.

I walk out of his nursey and into the kitchen and I put him into his swing and turn it on.

I watch him play with toys that were made onto the swing as I finish making his bottle.

I move the bottle nipple to his mouth and wait for him to lactation on but it takes him a few minutes before it went into his mouth.

Slow down before you get a tummy ache I said.

( five minutes later )

Aw come here I said as I take my crying baby out of his swing and lay him on my shoulder and rub his back.

Did your own fart scare you I said?

I look over at Damian and see the tears has stopped.

Let's see if mommy can get her little chubby baby laughing I said before I lay Damian down on one of the pillows I had when I was pregnant.

I started to do raspberries on his stomach and then the laughter started.

Is that's funny I said with a smile before I continue to do it and just watch Damian laughing

Maybe in the future, you will have a sibling I said as I look at Damian little face that has a huge grin on it

Maybe I will get lucky and have a girl and you will have a sister in the future I said as I watch Damian grin face turn into the unhappy look when I said, sister.

I started to laugh before I said don't worry Damian, your still young and you're all I need right now before I wanted another baby.

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