Chapter 63

424 14 2

(29weeks )

shortness of breath.

constipation and gas.

passing hard stools.

abdominal pain.

frequent urination.


I was making breakfast for Damian and I, Since Harry already left this morning for the restaurant.

I turn the bacon on low , while I walk into Damian Nursey.

I walk over to his crib and I see wide wake Damian, I pick him up from his crib and put him on my hip.

I grab Slappy from the crib and hand him to Damian.

I walk back into the kitchen and I sit damian down in his highchair and I sit Slappy down by him, I continue to cook breakfast.

Minutes later

I cut up Damian Eggs and I terd up his bacon into little pieces, I put gravy on his plate. 

I grab his one of his bottles and fill it with orange juice and hand it to him.

I lay his plate of food on his highchair and hand his bottle fill with orange juice.

I grab a plate fill it with eggs, bacon and gravy.

I set my plate down on the table and I grab the Orange juice  .

I pour me a glass and I sit down at the table and start to eat.

I mix my eggs in my gravy and take a big bite out of my food .

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