Chapter 56

515 15 5

( 21 weeks )
Sore spots. Backaches, especially in the lower back, are quite common during pregnancy. ...
Heartburn. Around this week, it's normal to experience heartburn. ...
Hot flashes. Your pregnancy hormones and your increased metabolism can leave you feeling hot and sweaty. ...
Stretch marks. ...
Leg cramps.


I was watching some movie called goosebumps 2, with Damian in my lap.

He just started giggling and grinning when Slappy came upon the screen and trying to reach out for him.

You like Slappy, I asked?

He just smiles.

I will take that as yes.

Mal, Can you come here, I have a little surprise for Damian, Harry said.

Ok, I said as I take Damian off my lap.

What's the surprise for Damian, I asked?

You know-how Damian loves slappy from goosebumps, Harry said.

Yeah, I said.

I think that he going loves this, Harry said as he pulls out the gift for Damian .

I think that he going loves this, Harry said as he pulls out the gift for Damian

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How did you get Slappy the dummy from goosebumps 2, I asked still shocked.

I found him on the isle and I grab him since Damian loves him, Harry said.

Damian is going to love this, I said .

Yes, he will and I found out that Gil is scared of a ventriloquist dummy, Harry said.

Hey there is a note in his pocket, I said as I grab it and read it.

My name is Slappy, what's your, I said as I read it.

What does it say on the back, Harry asked ?

Karru Marri Odonna Loma Molonu Karrano" I said.

What does that mean, Harry asked?

Idk but let's give Slappy to Damian, I said as I take Slappy out of Harry's hand and walk back into the living room.

Damian, Mommy, and Daddy have a surprise for you, I said.

He looks away from the movie to me,

I show him Slappy.

You remember Slappy, from goosebumps, I said.

He just smiles and reached out for Slappy.

I will take that as yes, I said as I hand him, Slappy.

Damian just wrapped his little hands around Slappy and just hug him.

Then Damian let out a big yawn.

It's time for someone nap, I said as I pick up Damian and slappy.

I lay Damian down in his crib and cover him with his blanket.

I sit Slappy up at the end of the crib and I grab the baby monitor and walk out of his nursey.

Slappy POV

I come life and move around.

I look around the room until I catch a little baby sleeping.

I look over at the sleeping baby and I move close to the baby.

I was about to reach out for the little baby when I feel someone grab my hand.

I look down and see that the baby turn his sleep and grab my hand into his.

Harry Hook x Mal ( Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now