Chapter 134

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Harry POV

It has been one day, Mal is still in the hospital and she getting better, Thomas and Dylan are doing great, I can't really put them since They are so cute and I'm already wrapped around their little fingers and they are only one day old.

The nurse told me that Mal can go home tomorrow, Mal looks like she is ready to go home .

Earlier today, I went to see the twins in the nursery.

I come back to my wife out of bed, I see my wife had Cassandra Pan daughter of Peter Pan, my dad's enemy up against the wall with her hand wrapped around Cassandra Throat while Mal eyes were glowing green.

I was about to stop it when I heard Mal say.

One only thing, Harry is mine now so stop flirting him like he is fucking single you fucking ugly bitch, Mal said.

You don't deserve Harry, You are only using him and you don't love him, you are just going to break his heart like you do when you and he were kids, Cassandra said.

Hold On Bitch, I do love Harry, I didn't want to leave Harry when we were kids and I didn't want to break his heart but My mother made me leave, It hurt saying goodbye bc I knew that I was going to lose Harry forever, every time I saw him with Uma, I got jealous and I saw Red, I would take my anger out by punching the wall until my hand was bruised up and covered in blood, my friends couldn't even calm me down, that how fucking pissed I was at my self, I still blaming my self till this day and I'm married to Harry now, I love Harry with all my heart and I do love harry when we were dating, why did I listen to my mother, why didn't I just listen to my self and my heart, Mal said with tears going down her face.

Oh, Cassandra, this is for you, Mal said before she slapped Peter Pan Daughter Cross the face.

I walk out of the room and walk over to my now crying wife.

Honey, It's Okay, I said as I wrapped my hands around her body .

Honey, It's Okay, I said as I wrapped my hands around her body

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