Chapter 65

385 13 3

( 31 weeks )
frequent urination.
leaky breasts.
leg cramps and/or back pain.

I was woken by someone laying on top of my breasts .

I open my eyes and I look down and I see Harry sleeping on my breasts.

Harry Harry, I said as I shake my husband until he gets up.

What Mal, Harry mumbled.

Can you please get off my breasts, I said.

Why Harry mumbled again and snuggle closer into my breasts.

Harry, My Breasts are so sore that they are hurting when I move and you're making it worse by resting on them, I said.

I was waiting for a reply, I look down and see Harry sleep again but his face in my breasts.

Slappy POV

I come to life and I move my eyes around the room.

I look over at Sleeping Damian, before a grin came up on my wooden face as I stand up in the crib and then I teleport into the living room.

I walk around the living room, I walk over to the living room chair, I climbed up into the chair.

I glance around the living room with the grin still on my wooden face, until my eyes caught a glance of Mal's SpellBook.

I say some word and the spellbook was in my lap, I flip threw the book looking for a spell that I can use on Gil, I said as I let out an evil laugh.

( Oh No! What Is Slappy Going to do to Gil?)
( Oh No!! Slappy Has Mal SpellBook and Just Imagine What Would Happen )

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